War Within Season 1 Death Knight Tier Set Appearances

It would look better without the headpiece on the helm and showing skin on the arms. It is okay… but not the best.

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Nobody cares what you think about anything


They look like sparklers on a 6 year old’s birthday cake.

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Remends me of the alien ghost from the Scooby Doo Spooky Space Kook episode.

It gives me voodoo vibes. Shoulders are okay. Other than that, I am not a fan.

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They want you to be comfortable buying your armor appearances, is what those sets say to me.

aztec theme is sort of cool considering uldir didn’t have individual tier. There’s already so many different variations in the game its nice they’re going for things that aren’t existent rather than just more of the same looks.

The trading post set probably could’ve fit the spider dungeon as well.


Easiest mog I’ll forget about. That looks terrible.

If they were going for unique this’ll definitely stand out. Everyone will recognize that one guy with the fan of knives sticking out of his head, am i right?

I feel like it won’t actually be that bad once we see them in game, I just wish we’d retire some of these color choices.

Purple for mythic needs to stop. Also every tier we have two fairly-similar color schemes, why not go bold and try something new? Where’s white/black with higher contrast on the skulls? Where’s the sorely-needed red one for blood death knights? What’s being done to make the mythic / elite version different?

Those are my real concerns this tier

Ooffff. Guess that the price to pay for season 2/3. Then again, priests still winning.

After the season 3 armor in dragonflight (looks wise) this is a major downgrade.

Big fan of the black straps on the armor, reminds me of the undead band in Darkmoon Faire. Honestly this set is perfectly hand-crafted for a male Forsaken with the removed jaw cosmetic - tongue majestically flapping in the wind. Totally metal.

Imho both Death Knight and Paladin look their best when they have a mix of plate & robe (i.e Archerus Knight/Judgement sets). I look forward to the day they make more ghostly reaper sets - like the white whispy parts in the Sepulcher tier but as menacingly spikey as this hooded set from (s3/s4) Dragonflight.

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How did blizzard go from one of the best DK tier appearances of all time in S3 of DF to whatever in the zul’dazar BS this is¿


Well they drop the ball here n there and it’s not surprising that this is lackluster.

Thank heavens for tmog


There isn’t one tier set I am excited to get this time around. It happens.

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It’s Shao Kahn - which is great for people who like him, I guess, but I’m not one of them.

It looks like someone strapped a metal fence to our armor.