War Within s1 pvp illusion

God, I bet it would look amazing with the blue recolor of the ashkandur sword…

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With a blue gladiator dragon too…

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idk it looks great on KT/Nelf male, maybe not so much on female models.

Lowkey, it does.

Sword? what sword?

I have that yes.

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It’s a single fire with a low white glow behind, about as mid as it gets

Legit it’s so bad I’ve considered rerolling for the first season. I can’t handle it. Easily the worst of all the mogs :face_vomiting:


At least you got most likely the sickest shaman elite to date last season.


Fair… Season 3/4 was pretty sick lol


I like a few of the sets. I think dh is cool, evoker is pretty sick, warrior looks awesome, lock looks awesome, priest looks awesome, paladin set could have been so much better if they made the legs an open robe rather than what they are now because it looks too top heavy with the wings but its pretty bad, dk looks meh, monk is cool, shaman sucks.

as for the enchant, its nice we finally get a golden fire type of thing but man it really sucks some of these enchants really dont show up very well. Idk what they did to s3 DF enchant but it actually looks super good on most weapons, and shadowflame is also obviously insane. Not every enchant can be the same of course, i wouldnt care for 10 shadowflames but the particle effects should be wild on all of these.

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we will need to achiev 1950rating to get this?

Pretty nice change i think!

Not really. We need more rewards not watered down rewards.


Ya I’m bummed. My pve main is switching from evoker to shaman for tier token allocation, which is tragic because evoker has the best tier and shaman has the worst :frowning:
I do love my shaman mog atm though.

That is tragic… you must be in a ce guild for them to force you to do that :flushed:

Yeah shaman definitely has some decent mogs. Not quite plate quality but some classes probably have worse over all

Ya we get HoF every tier!
I actually pve more than pvp.
And nah, we’re not forced. Our gm just asked and I don’t have any super strong attachment to what I play. Plus ill still have my evoker and druid as back ups for heroic week clears and sales so ill still get the tier appearances!


mop and legion enchants were bis (WoD was okay too) and everything since then has been booty cheeks

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I think dfs were really good overall. s1 looks great on every weapon that isnt a sword, s2 is one of the best in the game, and s3 also looks great on most weapons. s4 is okay not my favorite tho. First time theyve been good since mop, I also think wod had a good one with primal fury.

Shadowflame is lit tbh.

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idk i have it and it just feels like overwhelming clutter i always use glorious tyranny instead

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Oh wow, I just looked at this in game. It’s like eternal flux got a minor upgrade, aka, really bad.