Do we know what it looks like yet?
Also will BG blitz give the rbg titles and access to the high warlord mogs?
Do we know what it looks like yet?
Also will BG blitz give the rbg titles and access to the high warlord mogs?
buddy u can get the high warlord mogs rn
I think it does right now.
Also all the RBG titles are account-wide as of the patch, including Hero.
Sweet. I had no idea. I haven’t been pvp’ing much this patch.
Any idea what the illusion is s1 of war within?
if its not glorious tyranny idc /shrug
So real, even shadowflame still not it but a step in the right direction
this is a krispy take thx
They first gotta give it back to those who had it originally tho lol
i thought it was leaked already, maybe im mistaken. if i remeber iwas very let down
Ya, someone linked it a while ago. It’s pretty mid
Need more shadowflames; that’s legit the best illusion in the game.
Agreed on Shadowflame.
Unfortunately, we will probably not see PvP illusions AS great, or as meticulously designed as we have until today: It appears (wowhead and forums referring to blue post) that WoWhead is mistaken about TWW illusions being 2400 OR 2100… And, in-fact, they will now require a rating of 1950 (which IMO is another de-valuing, and warrants adding another illusion at a far higher rating)
And will there be new 2100 rewards?
The 1950 rating requirement change is probably in due to look at the metrics of pvp participation declining so much over the last 2 expansions, outside of RSS (which was successful from a numbers perspective S1) pvp has declined exponentially (rated pvp).
The 1950 is probably an adjust for the shorter seasons and a by product of less artificial inflation being introduced or expected to be had
Hmm there’s a Reddit thread from 3 months ago seemingly showing these changes from what I think is an MMO Champion font of beta patch notes,
However, there’s another thread from 9 days ago saying someone on the beta got it for 2100…
So, I guess either way we’ll have to wait a couple of weeks n’ see what happens.
Was this ever clarified or is it just a Shadowlands rank bug showing up again
Because I’ve seen “elite set is now 1600” and “enchant is now 1950” probably at least three or four times now and it has never really, truly been the case
You’re probably (and hopefully) right
WWI’s s1 enchant looks like the bright lights that spews out of my cars engine when i drive
Holy Fire
https ://
In game link:
/outfit v1 8824,8825,0,0,8822,0,9376,8829,8827,8828,8823,8826,2194,-1,7521,0,0 ]
I feel like original teebus has more pixels then that thing