War Within Ret talent update april 17th

All very good changes imo. I’d like to see them change highlord’s judgment to have an aoe component to go with the single target blast.

Otherwise I’m very pleased, nice change of pace tbh.


Stacking it is cool, but I think it’s becoming more and more apparent that Divine Toll and maybe the Mastery needs a bit of a redesign and not tack everything onto Judgement. =/

ES, Divine Hammers, Divine Resonance, Mastery Procs, Empyrean Hammer Procs, WoA (+Searing Light procs), and Hammer of Light…

I got sensory overload just from watching a few videos. I was on discord with a buddy and his comment was just “wtf is even happening???” lol


How do you all reckon Divine Hammer plays out? It seems like an incarnation of Zealotry

I like the concept of Divine Hammer, but I think this is a spell best suited for the “Hammerbro” Hero Talent.

Personally, I don’t enjoy the Paladin Builders, I think they have no identity anymore and they’ve all just became copies of one another. (just with different ranges)

This ability highlights that problem, but for the general population, that will be ignored because ability go burrrrrr. =/

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Considering the effect of Shake the heaven + Higher Calling, this will definitely be taken in concert with it.
If it also counts as a spender for the purpose Hammerfall then it will be a “giga” CD to use.

The HoL stack will go up real fast

Yeah, and I think that just snowballs the problem. =/

Divine Hammers would be best as the Capstone for Templar, as these will most likely be taken together, and this would allow it to be tuned appropriately so.

However, putting Divine Hammers as the Capstone for Templar, just resolidifies the fact that Templar is better renamed “Hammerbro.”

Not trying to be overly negative, but I don’t really like much of the changes to Ret. =/


A lot of players wanted the skillcap to be raised on Paladins, and this feels like the opposite. Hit 3 buttons, then roll face on keyboard.

Hopefully the NPC, Champion Faesrol, gets promoted from the Argent Tournament and we see him as a Templar in TWW. :joy:

It’s just feel like we’re creeping back to stacking CD like with seraphim.

What is the opener gonna be like?

BoJ-Judge-Wings-Divine hammer (-1HP)-Wake-FR-HoL-Divine Toll and THEN finally we get into the rotation.

Really does feel like a hammer “machine gun” picking up speed before spraying at max capacity.

Really need try it to know.

My main gripped with Seraphim was that is costed 3hp which made me feel like I was falling behind on my rotation and damage.

Maybe 1HP won’t “irk” me as much, Idk.

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Well not quite, cause you want to spam your generators as they come off cooldown to keep Holy Power as high as possible, to keep the hammers going and you wouldn’t want to dump that into HoL.

Because of that, Divine Hammer will clash with that combo feeling of WoA and Hammer of Light.

You’ll want to use DT for Divine Resonance and WoA during Divine Hammer ideally, to keep the HP count high, which could possibly lead into HoL being used after depending on how the 12 second window is.

BoJ → Judgment → TS → TS → (ES/FR)* → Divine Hammer → Roll face on keyboard (unbinding Finishers).

Depending on the damage it does, or how it functions with ES/FR, you’d most likely never want to hit a finisher during this time, so it’s just a really big clashing ability, imo. (Including the DP proc for Herald)

You’re encouraged to just smash your generators with little regard of what they do.

You hit Judgement? Why? Who cares, it generates HP.
You hit BoJ? Why? Who cares, it generates HP.

There’s no rotational reason (identity) behind the abilities anymore. Just hit whatever whenever cause HP is the only important thing.

I don’ think you’ll use it with ES because the damage looks very low according to AP values on tooltip, probably won’t be used until the end of wings and definitely not in something like FR window. I can’t be certain because I haven’t played it but this is my guess.

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Yes but it doesn’t have an 12sec duration as we see on live, so it stand to reason that given its a 2min CD with relatively low damage it can run indefinatly as long as you have HP, so you do want to cast it as the fight starts.


Alpha is a streamers privilege… sadly


Yeah, this definitely will rely heavily on tunning, but I just personally think a lot of issues with Paladins (including Holy) got masked with high numbers everyone was excited about.

I don’t know the answer-- I’m just saying I wish there was a bit more relationship between our builders and spenders so that each one felt unique and good to press.

When playing a DH, you hit Eye Beam, which turns you into a Demon, which then empowers your Blade Dance which then empowers your Chaos Strike. And to me those interactions are very cool. How and when you press your buttons are important.

^(This is about the interaction of abilities, not tuning of builder numbers)*

This feels like it further devalues that with Paladins, encouraging you to hit whatever, whenever, reduces the importance of Holy Power Spenders, and clashes with a lot of what the Hero Talents are trying to do.

While I enjoy the sandbox testing of Alpha, imo, this is just a better Hero Talent or maybe a more interesting replacement for Crusade.

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My problem with Divine hammers, is that it plays more into haste builds. I don’t particularly like a fast rotation much. And it being a maintenence buff excites me less. I hope they can balance it better vs consecrated blade, an talent i do enjoy.

One thing that does not mix well with it is inqusitor’s ire, we would be pumping spenders too fast for it to build up meaningfully, which eliminates that as a choice for DS builds.

It’s a redesign because it’s changing from increasing all spenders, including Hammer of Light, to just the base spenders. Can’t have an ability say “Your damaging HP spenders cost 1 more HP” and then have a HP spender that costs 5 going up to 6.

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Uhh, good catch.

I was wondering about that interaction but it didn’t even come to mind when they said VoJ was redesigned.

Personally I’m hoping for more changes to the tree’s, leaving wake/ eye of tyr on the bottom of the spec tree’s is gonna be bad thematically for hero talents.

The class tree needs to be redesigned, not just have a few changes.

I also feel penitence as it is, is a very lackluster talent. It needs more fluff, and truth’s wake makes it even less attractive.

I see Jurisdiction effects Justicar’s vengeance now. How ever, justicar’s still does less damage then base templar’s verdict. This needs to be fixed. I also believe final verdict needs to do the same damage as templar’s, the chance to proc wrath is more then enough to pick it up for those that wants final verdict. Also if range is jurisdiction’s theme, it should also effect justicar’s range.

Astral Influence and Increased Melee Range

Astral Influence no longer increases the range of melee attacks. We are revisiting increased melee range talents across the game. These talents make the melee experience inconsistent across classes in a way we’re not happy with, so we’re removing most of them. Default melee range has increased since these talents were originally created, allowing specs with increased range to attack from well outside where it appears they should be able to. Cat Form now increases melee attack and ability range by 3 yards, for the moment.

(Feedback: Druid Updates - #2 by Kaivax)

This was mentioned in the Druid update. Hopefully Jurisdiction is gutted. :))))

It is concerning to see this mentioned at the same time WoA loses its’ snare though, lol. RIP PvP Paladins.

It’s on live too.

Was it like this before? I seem to recall it wasn’t, still no compensation for the increase range however.

I do hope for PVP Rets that this sets the table for them to also introduce a new tool.
Seems Ret exist to be counter played at every turn.

Kinda funny how i just recently talked about adding Art of war scaling with crit by increasing the proc on auto attacks crit.

It’s almost like i actually know what i’m talking about.

Yet another thing that i asked for that was implemented.

This won’t make ret really fun to play though, it just helps.

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I think the snare is moving to herald, as there is a talent there that snares.

Good. This is a good direction, as melee we shouldn’t be fighting at a range.

Ret was already fun to play.

But at its core, part of the fun of a RPG is that your character gets stronger with gear.
And when you have to routinely wait on tuning passes for your character to catch to everyone pace, it kind of de-incentivize us from playing until they do.

My power gain is in part out of my own hands.

Now with the revert on Mastery nerf and the small additional scaling on it coupled with additional Crit scaling across the tree, I’m very optimistic that our best stat won’t be versatility anymore.

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