Because they are a subterranean race and we are going underground, and it has been referenced that their dens have not been rediscovered yet. C’mon Blizz I want to see the Dark Trolls I know you are hiding them somewhere.
Wait until Midnight
They’re a who now? Dark trolls are just… regular trolls that live in Ashenvale.
Um, Forest Trolls should come first and should’ve come before Zandalari imo. Plus, they were the ones fighting the Elves when the Horde first came to Azeroth so maybe there is some tribe still hidden there carrying on the fight.
Forest trolls have been in the game since Vanilla. I’m asking more than the one dark troll to be put into the game. As I recall the War Within is set underground, not in a forest. Unless its an underground forest.
@fortuna, they live underground. That is in the lore.
Forest Trolls are not playable so as far as I’m concerned they are not in the game yet. But if you are talking non-playable races than sure I could go for some Dark Trolls whatever they are.
I actually think that’s what they’re planning on doing. Granted, I’m reaching here, but I’m basing this theory off this screenshot, which is from the official press kit for the expansion:
Now if you open that image in a new tab, and zoom in, all the way at the back there, you can see Princess Talanji. Now why would Princess Talanji be all the way down in Azj-kahet? I expect the reason for that is because this village that she happens to be in is one that is inhabited by Dark Trolls, who have lived underground for thousands of years.
Horde gotta stop “Hording” all the trolls.
Give me Dark Trolls or Blood Trolls to go along with my Nelves!
And give Horde Leper Gnomes in return. i’d play the hecc outta both.
Playable or not, I just want them in the game. And I agree, if they actually thought things through, they would have some interactions with Night Elves and there would be recognition, if not comradeship.
@Carhagen I had never seen that screenshot thank you for giving me hope.
Possibly the Kezan trolls could’ve expanded further deep into the Undermine. Would make the best sense for a neutral allied race concerning what the horde goblins done to them and the alliance done to the troll kingdom.
Queen Talanji. She was next in line after Team Blue sacked Dazar’alor and killed Rastakhan.
When were dark trolls ever a subterranean race?
Lived. The stupid purple elves killed them all.
Before they became Nelfs.
Nefls didn’t kill Dark Trolls. Nelfs were Dark Trolls.
Shadra is in Ardenweald, recovering after her death in BFA.
Well who can blame them? Trolls are the worst neighbors.
Can’t keep a bad loa down and worse if their worshippers are willing to sacrifice to raise and empower them.
…although it’s curious why anyone would worship such loa.
She offers a great dental plan.