(War Within) No delve keys or adventurer tier loot from weekly caches/events

Completed some of the weekly events and didn’t receive any delve keys or the adventurer tier loot (Awakening the Machine or Theater Troupe). Same for the weekly Pinnacle quest. None of the weekly events say they give loot when I hover over them and the weekly quests aren’t offered by the quest givers.

This appears to be an issue occurring with multiple folks, including myself, with some weekly activities not resetting. I’m not certain what the conditions are that caused this, but we’re effectively soft-locked from progressing in certain areas of the game (as far as I know). Currently waiting to hear back via a ticket.

I saw some stuff last week but they said they fixed it. Glad I’m not the only one. Did you submit an item restoration ticket or something? If so let me know what they say

Unfortunately it’s still got a 22 hour wait time last I checked. I submitted as “missing items” since it’s the best category I could find. Nothing really fit the criteria.

Hey Jimmy! It appears I’ve been having the same problem as well… My fix was turning off the video game and loading up Old School RuneScape! Seems to be working well for me so far :slight_smile: good luck Jimmy hope you have a fabulous day :slight_smile:

Got the ticket answer back early and was unfortunately an automated response. It detailed to check my mailbox for the postmaster to return items to you (which I already knew about). That’s about it.

Issue remains unresolved. I’m hoping to quickly shed some light on this issue because this very well might be something that continues into next week. No one really knows.

There are other folks in these forums that appear to be having identical issues, so we’re not the only ones.

For further discussion on this, I’d recommend posting here so everything is in one place: Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

Hope to see this fixed for all of us!

Im so glad I found this post. I thought I was going crazy. Im missing like 3 or 4 weekly quest. And when I do do a weekly its just gold and crystals from the chest. Like how do I get spaks?

This is still going on. I haven’t received any gear from my caches and I don’t believe the right number of keys either.

It started to happen to my main character this week, I didn’t know it happen last week, I hope the weekly reset fix your problem.

Same thing for me, did all the events and designation but didnt drop a single key. 20 hours waiting for a response

Having the same problem. I’ve done 4 weekly’s with no coffer keys. Also, the weekly quests for the awakening the machine 20 waves and 10 wax turn ins did not reset.

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