War Within: Fluid Form should affect skull bash

Shred and Rake can be used in any form and shift you into Cat Form.

Mangle can be used in any form and shifts you into Bear Form.

Wrath and Starfire shift you into Moonkin Form, if known.

I really hope they can change this to also allow 1 GCD interrupts. They can pick bear or cat form. That would be very helpful for Resto in M+.

I’m sure there are pvp reasons for not implementing this, and they can just disable it in pvp.

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There’s a bit of a sticky spot with Skull Bash compared to those other abilities though in that unlike Shred/Rake/Mangle/Wrath/Starfire, Skull Bash is an oGCD instead of a GCD. I imagine that distinction is part of the reason why they don’t want to add it onto Fluid Form. The only way I’m aware of to change form off of the GCD is Tiger’s Fury, (which means that it can actually be used for power-shifting shenanigans if you macro in /cancelform with it).

You actually can make yourself a macro that will shift you into Bear/Cat form and then immediately use Skull Bash, but such a macro would only work at GCD speed. I actually use that macro myself since it’s occasionally useful for the few times I find myself out of form. I think Blizzard actually does intend for Ferals and Guardians to have an advantage on interrupting over their ranged cousins given that interrupting is supposed to be easier for melees. So in this case that advantage is easier access to the oGCD version of Skull Bash rather than GCD.

The power-shifting aspect of Fluid Form is something I expect to be changed (I’m actually surprised that they left in that you can do it with Tiger’s Fury but I imagine that they figure it’s not a big deal since it has a medium-long cooldown.) So I can’t really see them wanting to allow the same access to Skull Bash since that can also be used as a gap closer. A short-cooldown power-shifting interrupting oGCD gap-closer seems like it might be outside of the intended scope of Fluid Form.

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Skull Bash can be used for Feral and Guardian though.

As a Boomkin you’re going to want to be using Bear form
As Resto it’ll depend on the content (kitty for PvE and possibly Bear for PvP)

How would it discern which one to use and when to use it?

I imagine he would want it to work similar to Stampeding Roar where it would keep you in-form as bear/cat and then shift you arbitrarily in one form or the other otherwise.

Understood, but a Boomkin has no need to switch into Kitty form, and would favor Bear. Although Skull Bash favors Kitty form. PvP this would be more of a death sentence for Boomkin.

Having an “either or” as he’s wanting just creates a headache. I’m all for Skull Bash being affected by Fluid Form, i’m just trying to figure out which form it’d take and whether it would really be worth it or not.

I don’t think it would be worth it since we already have exactly the functionality he wants at GCD speed. The same property of being oGCD that makes it awkward to add onto Fluid Form also makes it very easy to macro into whichever form you desire.


Touche sir

Right, I’m saying it would be an oGCD form change + skull bash.

I figured as much since we can already do the macro to do it at GCD speed. I just think it’s unlikely.

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Depending. As a pvp balance Druid I shift into cat plenty to apply Rake to rogues for instance.

Sunfire and Moonfire have the same purpose do they not?

Skull bash should just lose the form requirement. Rename it.

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No. They are magic effects, rake is a bleed.

oo id be happy with this lol. It could work like formless bash if anything.