War Within Feedback: Remove Seed of Corruption Cast Time

“This should also shift Seed of Corruption to being a means to apply Corruption to multiple targets rather than what you spam in dungeons.”
Source: Feedback: Warlock Updates - #8 by Kaivax

Can we make it instant cast then? It already has a shard cost. Give it a short CD to balance it out.

This would be especially helpful in PvP AoE situations, between unkiteable melee and every class having an interrupt, hard casts are no bueno. You currently have MW Monks removing all dots without backlash (Revival with Peaceweaver talent), so we need good instant cast way to reapply them.

  • Shadow Priests have Shadow Crash.
  • Balance Druids have AoE Sunfire, and Moonfire applies 2 at a time.

Speaking of MW Monk’s AoE dispelling with no backlash… it’s bad for the game. RBGs are 3 Monks pressing Revival every 30 seconds… removing all DoTs, all magic CC, making everyone immune, and brings everyone to full health… all while getting no UA backlash. It’s broken and has remained in the game far too long. I’d love to finally see it change to spice up season 4.

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