War Within ending predictions?

Since you can see Azeroth “cracking” at the end of the cinematic trailer I think it would be neat if Azeroth did explode/shattered into pieces

Think of it like Argus, where Eredth is floating out of the planet and you can “see” the other zones away

And then you can use dragon riding to “fly” to other parts of the zone

I think it will be followed by an expansion called Midnight, but I’ll even go a step further in that the expansion after that will be called The Last Titan!

Midnight already was stated to take place in Northrend and Quel’thalas, so good luck with that world explosion…


Classes and systems will continue to be more complex. MAUs will continue to go down. No one will consider the correlation.

Well if you look at Midnights expansion logo

You can see Azeroth is indeed exploded and pieces are floating

And last Titan has it back in place

Something like this happening akin to what happened when Tenchi awakens as “Kame Tenchi” would be cool.

They’re going for a three expansion structure, so they’ll ape star wars. An overall light hearted adventure romp with some stakes that ends in a victory for our plucky heroes.

Midnight will be the Empire strikes Back. A dark chapter made all the worse by threatening a focus on elves.

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It wasn’t Azeroth cracking at the end of that cinematic, it was the players collective consciousness after playing it.

Since everything scales anyway, my prediction is gonna be world altering, I mean they’re gonna alter parts of the old world and put different stuff there, not change it completely like Cata, but update and facelift things, would be really nice honestly.

We don’t need all that hordes of crap running around, it would be nice if they reduced the noise in the world and added new mobs that drop updated loot.
Like I wanna go to Desolace and just see new mobs doing stuff, like new camps with doodads and stuff.

I predict that we gonna still be murder hobos.

(I’m bad at predicting but at the same time you know I’m right!)

We know exactly nothing about the expac as of yet, save for a couple areas, that the Nerubians are a thing, and that we get rock dwarves. Baseless predictions. Except for Lillyann there. We are always murder hobos.

You do know you’re on it, right?..right?

You mean the same “void shadowy cosmetic energy” shade this thing has?

Yah’, that ain’t Azeroth “cracking.” A version of it perhaps, but even so that would be one of the biggest stretches and leaps of logic one even could make in a situation like that.

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That’s not Azeroth. It looks like a void portal. Or very similar to the dark heart that Iridikron took to Xal’atath. Either way, something voidy.

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Hmm, we still need Xal’atath so either the giant crystal… :8ball::robot:

…or Anduin’s effect of the divine bell. :8ball::robot:

Iridikron dies, Xal’atath escapes Go to Midnight. Corner Xal, find out she’s actually the good guy and the true villain was the Authoritative Light and Titans. Tyr submits himself to becoming Infinite Tyr as well as Nozdormu becoming Murozond. Then in Last Titan we free Sargeras to bring it all to an end.

listen, it’s fine that you orcs blew up your own planet, but leave ours alone.

The War Within will likely end with us killing the Nerubian Queen while Xal’atath and Iridikron open up a massive void fissure just outside of Azeroth’s orbit allowing forces directly from the Void to swarm Azeroth. Iridikron and Xal’atath escape, Xal throwing some hint about the Sunwell, and escape till the next expansion.

Midnight Prepatch will see us stopping void invasions and void tears while the forces of the Horde and Alliance prepare for all out war with the Void.

I could be completely wrong, but that’s my prediction.

I predict that it ends with another expansion coming right after it. You’re welcome