War Within dungeons make me feel personally attacked

Lol. I wish I were kidding. Help me understand please so I can stop feeling victimized lmao.

Every run it feels like I am the only one that is taking random periodic damage ( I’m not stepping in ANYTHING ) Tank does large pull and as we are all running to catch up as he gathers them, I’m just being continuously mysteriously damaged by the mobs as they run after tank.
Not only this but it genuinely feels like the mobs are going out of their way to focus me, interrupts, stuns, silences…huge damage things spawning under only me…
I can’t even get casts off because I have to move repeatedly or I’m killed. I look over at my teammates, having the time of their life standing still casting and not having to dodge one thing after another.
So my question is, why am I being focused, I’m not using a taunt or anything.


It’s awful

well, you got to look at some logs and see what hits you… question is too vague.

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Some mobs just randomly throw out dots on players. I know there are some curses in the spider dungeons, and you’re a druid so dispel them.

Probably a leftover starfall stealing aggro. If the tanks is just face pulling everthing, they have very low threat.

You’re not crazy about all the invisible damage randomly hitting you. A lot of mobs, primarily in Priory I find, offer a lot of random damage that isn’t telegraphed in any way (aka, you don’t even get a spell flash on your character or anything to indicate that it’s a specific mob offering that damage. Your healthbar just randomly goes down).

The mobs targeting you with AOEs though? That sounds like really bad luck lmao. I’ve felt like that sometimes but once you stop expecting it’s going to happen, it usually becomes less noticeable.

A lot of the random group damage is in the form of debuffs, which are displayed on the UI. Just need to know where they are.

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Not all the time, no. For example, the gun lads in priory attack just about anyone I do believe in AOE. There’s no debuffs applied in those instances, and other times, debuffs can’t always be removed so that would indeed by unavoidable damage. No amount of skill can change that.

well considering how tanks are literally pulling entire rooms of trash and how chaotic things become like that… I wouldnt say it’s the “dungeons” that are focusing on you only here…

i have noticed this too but mostly only on my warlock that is still leveling. for some reason my lock just takes a ton more damage from passive mobs doing aoe damage to the group.

Random group damage is normal, that’s the healer’s job to deal with. All you need to be aware of is the avoidable stuff, because taking extra damage on top of the unavoidable stuff can and should kill you when there’s a big pull.

Sometimes you can stop aoe damage by breaking line of sight, but need to be conscious of not blocking the healer’s ability to see you.

If the tank is doing pulls too large, and you’re taking too much damage, that’s the tank’s fault. Tanks cannot do that the way they used to in Dragonflight, it’s by design that healers cannot keep up. Tanks are going to need to learn how to play properly.

If you are healing the Tank, you get aggro everytime you heal him. You have more threat on some mobs that the Tank hasnt touched much. If you dont want to take damage, then dont heal the Tank and you would have zero threat on mobs.

The reason why I never nuke mobs left behind by the Tank becoz those mobs would chase me if I get more threat than the Tank as a DPS. If ever I get aggro, I would just feign death. If no feign death, I would run pass the Tank and have the mobs chasing me to be hit my the Tank’s cleave. Threat 101. :slight_smile:

You sound like you attempted to stand still.

While a tank is running around gathering stuff? You shouldn’t be casting. You should be chasing after the tank.

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Only thing about the new dungeons is the damn chat bubbles spam in mid combat or before combat that blocks your keys, its really annoying having to click them off every 10 secs