War within city hub, thoughts?

Looks great for dwarves, kinda have Ironforge nostalgia vibes in a way.

Would you take this over Valdrakken/Orbios/Boralus and Dazar’laor?

Looks okay. Seems to have some of the features of a hub so far. Will have to see how it progresses over time.

I’d like to go back to Boralus.


Loved Boralus. For me the best Hub layouts are those that have the critical things grouped together for ease of navigation. Crafting stations/trainers near each other. AH, bank, inn, near each other. Etc.

I really dislike having to spend 20 minutes navigating around to accomplish 4 minutes of daily activity I need to do.

We shall see how the new hub works out. Right now I can’t find anything in it. heh. Took me forever to find the Alchemy trainer/station although once I did it was fine. It looks huge, but with dynamic flying we cross it in seconds. I just hope things are marked on my mini map so I don’t get lost. I am the queen of lost.

It will be quite a while before I can really judge.


As long as I can mindlessly run loops around it I’ll be happy.


more garbage lol


I honestly never had a hub city that I liked.

Orgrimmar always was and always will be a nightmare come true. Too many spikes, not enough plumbing.

Stormwind is just a generic “medieval america” trope.

Shattrath was in ruins.

Dalaran was a city of Mages, wielders of Order Magic, the polar opposite of the Chaos Magic practiced by Warlocks, so I didn’t vibe with it.

The Panda shrines were forgettable at best. I can’t even remember their names without googling.

Ashran was just like WoD. Bad.

We couldn’t fly in Oribos, so it was cumbersome and therefore loathsome.

And I quit WoW around Korthia and only returned at the very end of last december, so I’m nowhere near as attached to Dragonflight, an expansion I’ve mostly missed out on, as other people. I still get lost in the dragon city and I haven’t learned it’s name yet. Also I’m not a fan of dragons, so there’s that. So it’s a nope for me.

And since I don’t like Dwarves, I’m sure to dislike the new Dwarf city as well.

Hopefully one day we will have the city hub in a Succubus world, and that will make me happy :smiley:


Kind of wish we went back to the Horde and Alliance unique hubs myself.

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Do you mean Medieval Europe? I am pretty sure America was not so castle centric back then. It was natives without stone architecture, or colonial folks with lots of wood buildings, at least at first.


A city of the Black Empire would be SO BALLER.

… then again, we’d all go mad. :smiley:

Looks great, I am excited to spend time in Dornagal, especially after valdrakken, one of my least favorite cities to date.

No, I mean “Medieval America”.

It’s a trope where you get the conventions from Medieval Europe, like castles and knights, but the people in there are clearly Americans or at least based on Americans.

Stormwind Humans are a prime example of it. They even farm pumpkins, which are native to North America.

I like it so far.

Im fine with it. Ready for something new.

Huh, TIL! I had never even thought about it. Interesting way to put it. I can certainly see what you mean.


anything over oribos lol

boralus and dazar’alor are the best, valdraken came in second, idk about dornogal yet but looks more insteresting than valdrakken to run in circles while waiting something

I am kind of surprised Blizzard has never put hopscotch, or other silly pathing/jumping stuff in the cities just for fun. Square hopping in IF, or laps in SW have always been a thing. They could build on that. Just easy mindless things to fidget with while waiting on things.

Like, why is there no playground or sporting area?


I think it looks great. Not as good as Boralus but better than the rest based on pictures.