War Within Alpha Story Spoilers

Weren’t you adamant that Khadgar was neutral and not alliance? Why are you even sad he is dead then?

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Because he’s a cool character erevien. You would know that if you weren’t obessed with your faction brain rot


This comes off as so sociopathic. You know you can like people who aren’t associated with the alliance or horde, right?


People like erevien infact, do NOT understand that. For them it’s Faction faction faction all day, everyday. Liking things outside that is extremely foreign to those who suffer from faction brain rot


For Dalaran, it’s tiring to see that Blizzard keep destroy cities. yes it’s a first since BfA but Dalaran was destroyed once at WIII RoC.
Doing this again…it annoys me.

She wear an Arathi outfit it seems so maybe she is a very distant relative.
It’s hard to not think that they will write a typical woke story where she help Anduin in a quest to regain his Light. (i hope to be wrong and have a good story)


My dude the Horde loses cool characters all 5 minutes yet you don’t see us abandon the game. Grow a thicker skin and deal with it.


Your response has absolutely nothing to do with what I said about Khadgar being a awesome character


Maybe you should :wink:

Anyways, this feels like a monkey paw wish, for all those that wanted less Khadgar involvement in the story lol.

I wonder if theyre just using him as a jobber, which would actually be horrid.

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Khadgar is the first human to die since Varian.

Inbetween we lost:

  • Rastakhan
  • Zul
  • Vol’jin
  • Cairne
  • Saurfang
  • Gallywix
  • Sylvanas
  • Nathanos
  • Ranger Captain Areiel

If any elf has to die next I rather lose Aethas instead of the actual cool Sunreavers who never did anything wrong when racist Vereesa killed and tortured them.


Unclear but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a mix of survivors who were evacuated and those that perished defending their home from the Nerubians.


That is indeed a possibility. Now i’m worried. Kahdgar Varian momment?

What gave you the idea I only like alliance characters? I like a bunch of characters in both factions, and neutral ones too.

I don’t know…I had a similar initial response. Dalaran is an iconic city, and it’s sad to see it go. But after sitting with it for a little while I think I kind of like this decision. It shows there are stakes for this new chapter in wow’s history, and it sets up Xala’tath as a genuine threat.

This is the world changing, and sometimes it isn’t going to be for the better. I think the biggest reason I’m okay with this though is that it isn’t a racial capital. Destroying a race’s capital city was terrible idea, but with dalaran we all feel the loss and no one feels guilty about it. We still have two very accessible versions of Dalaran we can go back to anytime. As much as I love Dalaran I DON’T want it to be our hub for an expansion for the third time.


I really hope they aren’t killing Khadgar off yet, and that he’s just been injured, but his previous bits of writing when they did have him pop up in both SL and DF hinted at him passing on the mantle, so to speak.

When was Zul EVER a horde character? Isn’t he kind of the main bad guy in Zanadalar? Sylvanas is also very much alive and they have made it very clear that she isn’t gone for good.


no, that was me.

and if he’s dead, then they just killed off the only real neutrality in the game between the Alliance and Horde. which worries me, considering Blizzard’s storytelling.

I really hope we’re not headed towards Siege of Orgrimmar 3: The Re-Siege-ining at some point down the road.

I know that’s a bit paranoid at this point, but still.


It’s the High Elves capital. Which doesn’t bode well for Midnight.

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Listening to the dev interviews, I can at least appreciate the shift in philosophy from “split the playerbase between villains and victims” to “unite the playerbase in tragedy.”

I never really got over how badly they handled the purge’s fallout and the Horde’s embarrassing return to the city, so I’ll be clinking wine glasses with Rommath rather than drying Aethas’s tears in the ruins of Dalaran, but still. Nice to know they learned something from the disaster of BfA.


You people told us to accept it and move one any time Blizzard offed an important Horde guy so I will celebrate Khadgar being gone after he did nothing to protect the Sunreavers from harm.


I hope it’s the latter. No more Hagar, please. Even green Jesus was better.


I hope the high elves will be okay. They’ve already been through so much ):