War within 20th anniversary

Please keep it to 1 per account and tell us what it comes with before it goes on sale before it sells out in 4 minutes to scalpers. :c


You’re about 20 years and a few months early aren’t you?


Do you mean the Collector’s Edition? Just asking because I don’t think they sold things for Anniversary events before…

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I think they mean that War Within falls (roughly) on the 20th anniversary of WoW and Op is anticipating something good for the collector’s edition.

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Probably refering to this.


Yes this thing.

Oh nice, that countdown ends on my Bday.

Also if you’ve had an uninterrupted subscription for 20 years you should get it for free just like the 10 year statue. Some of us have been playing the long game damn it.

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Let’s not do that again. My sub lasped while I was out of town back in BC because my card had expired and I missed a week. One week. Out of all those years.

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Survival of the financially negligent!

I was stupid enough to pull my sub in 2008 for a while, as I was playing EQ2, and felt like kicking myself when the reward as announced in 2014 for the ten year anniversary. These days, I renew yearly and keep some extra time, hopefully for a statue coming my way this year.


We can pre order?

OP, im going to willfully misinterpret your Subject line and then make a very funny joke that ill chortle at, and will get some likes by the misanthropic forum goers.

Haha, you really should be more careful when you name things on the WoW Forums. Because I am very clever.

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Ill even give you a like.

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What’s in it?

If we have already brought the next expansion the “War within”…can we pay the difference to get the War Within Anniversary Collector’s Edition?

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If it works like previous ones, you have to pay for the entire expansion and they reimburse you after you get the physical CE in Bnet Balance.

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Thank you Sendryn…

Imagine still buying collector editions in 2024 lol.

I have 1 - Cataclysm. Which was my favourite expansion anyway. I still use the mouse pad from it.

These days? I don’t see the point. You pay online, it automatically downloads, all the “collector” stuff isn’t worth the cost. Plus, who’s still in love with WoW that much? I have a love/hate relationship with WoW where I can easily go long periods without playing much, then I might go hard into it for 1-2 months then lose interest again lol

20 year anniversary. That makes it a bit more special to me.

Not that I have the funds for such a thing, though. Wish I did.

I have Cata, as well. It was my favorite, too. I also have Wrath. I split that with a friend. I got the pet, he got the CD and book.