War Supply Crates - Discussion

Have the War Supply Crates always been able to be claimed so quickly once the reach their destination?

I feel like in War Within they land a lot faster once they hit their final destination and are claimed extremely too fast.

Feel like I remember in DF and earlier, getting there and then having to wait for the chest to fall with a parachute. Does this still not happen?

In any case, I think there should be a longer CD before the chest can be claimed, because atm there is no real contention over it, just whoever happens to be closest.

Maybe even not have it where one person claims it, but it has a similar thing as the Towers in Hellfire Peninsula where it caps out depending on who is around it. So there is a bit more of a struggle to fight over it.

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This did happen. It’s been bugged in TWW since beta. I remember at one point in beta it used to work properly with the parachute, but then they broke it and it’s been broken since. It was already reported too but… Yeah they don’t care about WM.


Ah this makes sense.

Crates in War Within become available to open instantly. So as soon as the plane flies over the drop spot, the box appears already on the ground and can start to be claimed.

In Dragonflight and BFA, the crate dropped from a certain altitude and had to float to the ground before it could be claimed. This time varied depending on drop location but was usually long enough to make it to the drop before someone could open it.

They absolutely do need some kind of timer before they can be claimed now. I hope this is just a bug that will be fixed.

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Well due to the fact alliance outnumbers horde 10 to 1 and they always run around in groups or raid groups… yes… it is insanely unbalanced.


Yeah they don’t drop from high in the sky anymore. So, often you will not even have a chance to contest if others are already there.


Yeh, hope its just a bug. I was watching them today, and yeh its instant. Soon as the plane stops, the crate appears. If you’re not right on it, you’re screwed.

Some times you cant even get there before it has been claimed and disappeared its kind of crazy.

I do wish shards were more balanced than they are. I think what the OP described happens on lesser populated shards where it really does come down to which solo player cares enough and happens to speed there first.


Oh no. Im on MG/WRA and its def Alliance dominated in War Mode.

They get swarmed quickly, but I would like the chance to gather people and contest it. ATM you have no opportunity to contest, because they become available to be claimed so quickly.

Back when they had a bit of a drop time, you could at least hope for a few more of your faction to show, or had a chance to turn the tides before it became claimable.


Drop time would only help the Alliance, not us.
Horde is so defeated on RP Warmode Shards that no one even tries to go to warcrates anymore.
The only chance we have to get warcrates as Horde is to be there first and to cap them before Alliance has the chance to show up.
It’s basically the only way I’ve been capping them at all.

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Yeh there is definitely a sense of being beaten before even trying going on.

Trying to turn that around some.

BUT, the speed of the crates being captured doesn’t help. Just more disheartening.

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If the crates floated down slowly like they did before it would only benefit the Alliance in the RP battlegroup. The only reason I’m able to snag a few late night crates is because I’m on it immediately. If the Alliance were given time, say an extra thirty seconds or so, I seriously doubt Horde would get any of them.

That being said, if it’s a bug it needs to be fixed… but it’s gonna suck even more when it gets patched lol


Hmm, you both raise a good point though.
I don’t know if this would be too complicated, but maybe an idea would be to add a timer, but if there’s an outnumbered faction they can open it right away?

So in this case, Alliance would have to wait the 20 seconds or whatever the timer is, but Horde could begin to open it as soon as it drops.
This would give the Horde the advantage of being able to ninja a drop by getting to it before any Alliance, but ALSO give the opportunity to contest the Alliance afterwards.

I don’t think that might be the best solution though.

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Interesting idea!

My proposal is a war mode only ability that lets you scavenge a chest that was claimed by the opposite faction on a one hour cooldown, effectively letting you loot the other faction’s chest for some honor and stuff. Better than nothing!

Or they could not lock the loot to a faction.

Give everyone the timer to opening the crate to receive loot, so you have a chance at getting it as long as you aren’t attacked.

And if you want to be stingy/fight, you could protect the crate until it goes away to keep others from getting it.

Iunno, feels like there are solutions.