WAR on Alliance!

You’ve got something on your face, looks like a polygon.
Just… right there, next to your mouth.

don’t worry i’m back to normal Liotuse now

Think he referred himself as "emperor’ earlier in this thread.

i’m talking about myself

you put that post back where you found it, Dawnblood

I know that I am the most handsome and have the best hair.

I mean his Twitter profile pic is the Emperor from Star Wars.

And his Discord profile picture.

So it’s safe to say that someone has a few red flags about their ego that’s probably sizable enough to give Soljeron a run for their money.

EDIT: Aside from the red flags across that Twitter history that Deathologyz might also be a little too right on the political spectrum. Let’s say a bit far on the right.

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Twitter was a mistake.

Shocked I tell you. I am absolutely shocked!

still waiting on the deep mythos and rich backstory as to why any time i hear about Emerald Dream’s Twittersphere, it’s like everyone that participates in it drank some hella kool aid and are all hopped up on it



I’d post my twitter, but all I talk about is D&D / TTRPGs.

Ok. This is absolutely true and I have no idea why it became so popular…but all the loudmouth PvPers from ED totally did use Twitter and used it for their PvP bants.

Ah, a man of culture.


my twitter is… two original posts from 2018, two retweeted giveaway posts (THAT I LOST :angry:), and one retweet to add a picture to the thread

i’m active

that’s so boring they should all have one Discord server in common to use its voice chat to scream at each other in full force

or at least use a 24/7 2fort map in Team Fortress 2 with alltalk on to yell at each other with

Give me your twitto.

discord voice chat PvP takes more skill than world of warcraft PvP

this is my new hot take and i’m sticking to it

(spoilers the person who holds down their push to talk and just sticks their microphone in a fan is the winner)

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That’d be a fun discord to spectate.

i would genuinely sit in voice chat with the local troublemakers because (A) i am a masochist and (B) i am easily entertained

Sounds like a fun beer night.

i need to get in voice chat with Soljeron and ask him why he still hasn’t posted his sources about how Warrior isn’t a magical class

I will say that these threads were pretty great tonight, it felt almost like Cata again.