War Effort Progress

You’re referencing concurrent player caps on Vanilla realms but using the 9,000 characters recorded on warcraftlogs as evidence that realms are 4 times the size.

How many active players do you think Whitemane has? Let’s work through this so you can get an idea how wrong your 4 times statement is.

You conveniently use Blizzard quotes to support your false narratives when it suits you, then claim they lie when it doesn’t. That quote is what, a year old? Do you see Blizzard keeping us updated on every little thing? Things change, that quote is outdated.

I disagree if they had made server sizes the same as they were in vanilla ALOT of the problems with the game today would not be a problem.

You do it all the time brother. From the fact man I expected more than “well you cry out they lie”. For someone who always quotes em to prove their point, it must be heart crushing to see the blue post disproving your claim.

Edit: I also wanna point out that you quote blue posts that are older than the one I just quoted.

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Im not disagreeing, but the discussion was about the war effort, not wether their choice to have original server size was correct or not

Incendius has completed both their war effort and first scarab lord grind

I’m going to smash your false narrative right here, right now.

US West
PvP 927

That’s a Medium realm, do you believe that Anathema is more populated than the most Full Vanilla realms? Try to say yes with a straight face.

Here’s a more recent quote by two days compared to the one you quoted:

Things change, stop trolling. You’re going to end up on vacation again.

How does it help me? Anathema is a dead server, it’s Medium pop.

That quote from a year ago you linked states that a Medium realm is larger than the most populated Vanilla realms. That’s clearly, to anyone with a lick of sense, an outdated statement.

I’m going to suggest you stop insulting me, unless you want another vacation. Abide by the forum rules of decorum.

They’ve been consistently stating the same things about botting for the last decade. I link posts from years ago and weeks ago that are consistently saying the same thing. What you’re doing is linking an obviously outdated statement, and not even the MOST RECENT statements about population they’ve made.

You’re not very good at this.

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Bro, for a person who bases his arguments around how they deal with botters based on blue posts from years ago, you should be more inclined to believe their blue posts from a few months ago no?

Or are you a hypocrite after all delimicus ;)))?

You are just mad you got beaten by your own game fact checker boy

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Medium realms are not larger than the most Full Vanilla realms. No realm has 4x the population of the most Full Vanilla realms.

On average, Vanilla realms had around 16,000 active players at the end of Vanilla. It’s very simple math, taking the number of servers and active subs we knew they had at the end of Vanilla and dividing the active subs by number of servers. Full Vanilla servers likely had 25,000 or so active players.

Do you believe Anathema has 25,000 active players? Honesty is something one should strive for, give it a try.

One could say the same to you bud

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Delimicus is a troll and actively spreads misinformation to try and illicit responses in players and get them banned. Anyone who does know population sizes are way, way higher now is just ignorant.


The person you disagreed with never said anything about “full vanilla realms”: That said I also would like some hard facts of your claims (in regards to the person you disagreed with, as well as this statement).

Your math won’t suffice and you obviously disagree with the blue post, so please mr. factman, do not let me down now

“On average, Vanilla realms had around 16,000 active players at the end of Vanilla.”

Yeah… no. By and large, the most populated classic servers right now, such as Whitemane and Herod, are over double the population numbers from most “full” servers in 2006. Their server infrastructure in 2006 wouldn’t support the demand some classic servers are seeing today. The “2500” number has been quoted to death over the years, I don’t think that is an exact number to rely upon but it’s generally accepted to be in the ballpark of what vanilla servers could handle in those days, in terms of peak concurrent players logged in. The largest classic servers see 3x that number on a daily basis.

I played vanilla. I didn’t know server caps or anything beyond what it said next to my server on the list, high or full during peak times. The world never felt as populated back then as it does on the server I play on in classic, which is Herod. And as such, there were no need for layers even, assuming that technology existed at the time which it didn’t.

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Populations are higher, they’re not 4x higher. I’ve been consistently dispelling false information and providing facts, the Blues on this forum have recognized that.

The concurrent player cap of Full realms at the end of Vanilla was 3,000-3,500. The concurrent caps now appear to be somewhat dynamic, but are roughly 5,000 players per layer. The servers that had an additional layer added during the pandemic never broke 7,500 concurrent players.

There were roughly 140 servers at the end of Vanilla in NA. The subscriber count for NA was about 3 million (worldwide it was 7.5 million and this was before WoW took off huge in China.) If you average the active sub count between those 140 servers that would be 21,000 people per server.

So yeah, I was wrong, the number would actually have been higher.

Except the one where you failed to provide proof for them not being 4x as high (any realm btw not just full ones)


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All your numbers are made up.

I’m on Whitemane, it has many times the number of players currently playing than a “Full” server in Vanilla.

No one knows for sure but back when the addon worked it was upwards of 13k+ players.

Blizzard has since broken the API for the census addon.

Now people did quit, so there might not be 4x the players now, but there definitely was back when Classic launched.

There are dead servers, but on the other spectrum there are layered servers like mine.

The addon still works and the concurrent player count on Whitemane has not been higher than about 7,500 since last year.

This is a fact.

No, they didn’t. Blizzard made the automatic SendWho() a protected function. The addon now uses hardware input (left and right mouse clicks) to send ManualWho() requests.

It’s 99% accurate with a small margin of error to account for people logging in and out during a scan. You can open your /who window and see what the addon is doing. I purge the data after each use, as I only use it to get concurrent online character numbers.

The number of people who have no clue what they’re talking about on this forum is bewildering.

I’m not discussing disciplinary actions, merely mentioning the fact he was given one for likely the same conduct he is displaying in this thread. If you believe I broke the rules, report me.