War Crates

Can confirm, it’s pretty nice running in and feeling like you’re doing the big numbers™


Don’t know about “Big Numbers” but Bowen certainly seems to come with more survivability than my Hunters, Shaman, and even my DK combined.

So what even are the war crates? I have looked it up and I can’t really find any answers

In BfA it had a chance to drop loot, I suspect these crates may have a chance to drop the DF war mode set.

So probably some gear and then maybe rep? maybe crafting BoP mats? and sparks and the bloody mote things?

drops conquest points, rousing ire, bloody tokens, honor, primal chaos and sometimes rousing elements

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Just last night, a crate was incoming and I started yelling about it in chat

“I’m diving, I NEED BACKUP”

I go in alone, just focused on staying alive in case someone shows up
I start going down, “Whelp, I tried” I resolve myself to hurry back and kill whoever is left

Then FRIGGEN DRAGON OUTTA NOWHERE. The most beautiful (still ugly) velocidrake ever that day lands and disorients them, i get a few deathstrikes to heal up.
I’m also noticing that their lock is taking big damage, threw a dragon at them for an aoe stun, the rogue kills the lock and together, we wipe the rest of them
just me and only 2 Horde that showed up to help against…10 Alliance?


With all the fuss about this I thought it gave Conquest gear or something…
Does it even give a lot of Conquest points?

i think its…200 conquest for your first one. then 60 cp? im not actually sure, but i love going for them

great break for when im farming mats and stuff

It’s not about what the crates drop, it’s about sending a MESSAGE. Especially since last week I’ve been on a crusade of “War Mode Is Not Alliance Gets To Do Whatever They Want Mode” and so far it’s been paying dividends. Even when the big players aren’t around 4 horde can beat down 10+ alliance on a good day. Just scream like a banshee in General Chat and sometimes if you’re lucky people will turn up.

Warrior is the ultimate experience in “Local Man Too Angry To Die” and I live for it. Sometimes I’ll run into a huge fight I know I have no chance in just so I can make big spear+bladestorm numbers go up- it’s about the sheer THRILL.


I am like…100% sure you guys care a million times more to the people you are sending that message to.

Also…I can only see this so many times before I have to point this out:

I keep seeing all these threads talking about how Alliance players are so bad that Horde players can 2v10 them.
My dudes…unless yall are targeting low levels, this is literally not possible in this game. And if it is possible what even is the issue

im fairly certain the majority of Alliance players are only in WM for the extra bonuses and arent big on pvp unless they have numbers advantage

This thread just keeps getting better

This is an entirely antidotal statment.
Again though if it’s true then what is the issue?

It seriously getting ridiculous…
I didn’t want to say anything at first

the population imbalance?


me on the other hand, I love saying things first

Why would this be an issue? You claim most Alliance can’t PVP and you regularly 2 v10 them.

I’m the exception, a -true- Horde Champion (i also lose most of the time when im outnumbered cause…y’know, its 1v10-20 any given crate but i dont talk about them.)

also, server imbalance and pvp skillz are separate subjects.

Maybe it’s because I’m a horde player (but I don’t play in war mode because I’m a tank and I don’t want to be useless in pvp,) but I don’t see what’s getting ridiculous about this thread.


My point on this thread and the other ones like this being-

people not understanding this. ^

I cannot be stopped from grandstanding on the WoW Official Forums. I will clown on everyone including myself.