War chests despawn too quickly

What the title says, after it’s claimed it despawns in what feels like a minute + 30


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Idk about despawning too quickly, because it’s meant to be something you had to be nearby and fight for.

They do however, land and become claimable way too fast.

They need to fall with parachute once they reach their destination and give more people a chance to get there, and fight over them.

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That’s the thing - we managed to claim it but I died right after and by the time I got back and enemies were cleared, it was gone. I think the cap time is fine because it gives the smaller faction in the area a chance to grab it before it’s completely dogpiled, just seems like the despawn is a little quick after the cap - like to the point where you’re still fighting for your life instead of trying to click it

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Hard disagree. The six crates I’ve managed to snag I only got because I was nearby when they dropped, and got to them before the Alliance rush showed up. If it took 20 seconds for them to parachute down Horde in my battlegroup would realistically never get them.

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Im on your battlegroup lol.

We will have groups out patrolling just WAITING for crates, and will miss them often just because they land and are claimable before we can ever get there.

These Crates are to encourage fighting. Not for people to snag quickly before others show up, or to stick around after the fight is over long enough for you to get it.

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Oh yeah lol sorry I was super tired and didn’t recognize you

Either way, I’m not entirely certain an extra twenty seconds or so would work in your favor. If y’all had twenty seconds to move over, they would too. I regularly see 3-5 chasing the plane, and by the time the crate drops there’s 8+ on the ground. Hell, sometimes I get to the crate the moment it drops and 6 of them land on me before the cast finishes.

it most definitely would allow us to get more people gathered and there.

it may not help us WIN it, but its definitely a lot more fun than just being on your way to the crate and it getting captured before you can even see it, because there is no delay between when the plane reaches its destination and the crate becomes capturable.

It would def make sneak captures before others got there less likely, but im not a fan of those anyway. It should be fought over. Even if I lose.

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Yup the despawn on these is ridiculous. I just battled and spun the War Mode crate for a good 5 mins, we ultimately got it. My reward was watching it despawn before my 2 minute death res came up.

You guys need to implement a logic where people who were active can still get it in a reasonable amount of time or just flat out make it like 5 mins or more. Or just cap the respawn res timer at a lower value for PVP.


The current design of quick de-spawns actively punishes ANYONE who wants to PARTICIPATE in PVP.

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No this would be terrible.
The only reason you are able to clear objectives is because the rez timer gets high enough to give you a break/relief.

I reckon so. It’ll just be the same outcome most of the time, with no opportunities to steal lol

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Maybe the loot should be mailed by postmaster to everyone from appropriate faction who died nearby. It will make “guarding” already tagged chest pointless, but considering the fact you only need to touch chest once to get all the loot(with interact button and autoloot toggled on it is a task impossible to fail) it is already pointless.
And I am doubling down on complaint that crate spawns too fast. Correct me if I am wrong, but in BfA and DF those crates took much longer to actually spawn after announcement wich allowed people to actualy gather for fight.


The drop time does seem a lot quicker now, if it’s on the other side of the map I won’t even be able to get to it half the time


They drop too close to surface. High parachute drops like DF would be ideal, but I guess most TWW zones can’t facilitate that. :confused:

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As soon as the plane stops, the crate hits.

Even if the plane is high above

It’s a bug at best, bad intentional design at worst.

It rewards who gets there first, not who can win it.

Also theres no reason the drops can’t fall. Yes we’re underground but the ceiling is plenty high.