War Campaign Conclusion Coming...PLACE YOUR BETS!

I’ll see that seven dollars and raise you another seven.

Fixed with giggles.


id love to see the burning of stormwind for the rrrrreeeeeeesssss.

Legion class hall ended before 7.3

This seems to be no different. Legion wasn’t done until 7.3

One last CGI STATE OF THE ART better than Hollywood flashier than the Marvel Movies as realistic as VR Cinematic coming up for the Horde where we see:

  1. Thrall feeling sorry for Azeroth.
  2. Sylvanas singing her sob story song after stealing the toy from player character.
  3. Sylvanas thinking about Arthas.
  4. Sylvanas gets angry thinking about Arthas.
  5. [To be datamined in future]

The Alliance and rebels lose, Saurfang is arrested for treason(new animation of him posed like he’s in stocks), Zekhan is executed for treason(new custom rig that includes a death pose), and the story ends with a fleet of spectral longboats advancing on Stormwind.

Safe bet: horde and alliance team up to deal with the greater threats!

Current bet on 8.3:

  • Stormwind is attacked by Sylvanas, the attack is interrupted by old gods (either NZoth or an old-godified Azhara), Sylvanas escapes and we kill Nethanos.
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It’s obvious: Sylvanas resurrects Garrosh so they can make crazy, genocidal babies together. Thrall and Jaina team up to stop them so that THEY can make peace-loving babies together. Saurfang ends up disgusted with both of these events and leaves to make his own Horde. Anduin cries because Jaina is making orc-babies. The End.