War Campaign Conclusion Coming...PLACE YOUR BETS!

Ok, so, for those of you who have not heard, Wowhead just got the release notes for Patch 8.2.5 (the current one on the PTR), and in those notes, the final part of the War Campaign will be played in Patch 8.2.5.

Knowing this, I ask you…what do you think will be the conclusion to the war campaign? Saurfang dies? Sylvanas dies? Player is killed with their character permanently deleted*? Something even more outlandish than the previous suggestion? Let’s hear your speculation!**

*Note: Exaggeration and a twisted mind may or may not have been used in this part of the post.
**Note: If you’ve played through the War Campaign on the PTR, please do not spoil it for us. This post is not meant for spoilers, it’s meant for a laugh.

I bet absolutely nothing of note will happen, as A) anything major will be regulated to 9.0 and B) Neither the Alliance nor the Horde can win because Blizz is too scared to ostracize half of their playerbase.


Slyv won’t die or turn evil that’s been confirmed

Hopefully suicidal coward saurfang dies before he drowns in his own tears

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I bet… hrmm… how much do I have? 50 Classic Silver on disappointment all around.

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While character deletion would be hilarious to watch from afar it would cost them so many subs, especially if people lost what they consider to be their main. I don’t see that happening. I’m hoping they do that dreaded Sylvannas is playing 4d Chess plot because I love her so much. I’ve loved her since vanilla. I like her look, her voice, and her demeanor.

I don’t believe the semi-popular leak about it, but I still think Sylvanas will go after Stormwind. I hope it gets blown to pieces.

Not gonna happen, at least not in 8.2.5. Way too many assets needed for such a bare-bone patch. The 8.X.5 patches are intentionally small, so at the absolute best a character might die or a fist gets shaken.

It’s revealed that Slv never made it back from Helheim and Azshara has been taking her place the entire expac. Nat fades away. Baine gets voted warchief. He and Anduin hug and make up. We all go happily back to being murder hobos.


Listen, I know his fishing quests get long in the tooth, but Nat Pagle needs to stick around, he’s an icon.

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Weird that we have the patch notes, but no date.

And also the war campaign has not been on the PTR. Though i understand why that would be if they want to keep the ending hush hush until it hits the live servers.

Everyone is going to hug each other while Kerri- I mean Sylvanas is redeemed by the light.


Little late for that one, chief.

Twitter said “next few weeks”.

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I continue to believe that Gomes will take over the world…it could be now

Sylvanas executes Saurfang and Baine. Then she exiles Thrall and Zekhan, and puts Lorthemar under house arrest. Then all the traitors who sided with Saurfang get to choose either to be permanently wiped from Azeroth, or be converted into a level 20 noob and lose all their skills and gears.

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I assume Sylvanas will turn out to be an only-somewhat okay person when she gets dethroned and Anduin will just randomly forgive her, and Tyrande will be understandably pissed, but nothing will happen otherwise.

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I’ll take that one please.

Anduin pulls off the greatest heel turn of all time and joins the Horde.

Thrall, shocked. Jaina, shocked. Saurfang, shocked. Evanora, not shocked.

Sylvanas laughing her undead butt off in the distance.

Book it.

lets face it, if one side wins it wont be half the player base pissed off…it will be either 20% or 80% lol

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She’s not evil to horde

I’m sure the Germans thought the USA was evil as well

I’m gonna bet the swap actually took place after Sylvanas killed herself in Icecrown.

She was then replaced by her identical banshee-twin Jylvanas and the rest is history.

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