Wanting to be hated

Why do you keep raising random goalposts?
And how can you presume those things do not affect people today? You haven’t lived through their experiences??

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Are you personally affected by something that happened before the Modern period (ie 16th century onward)? Could you name it?

It’s the classic You’re white, your problems don’t count or matter

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Is this thread ok lol

Yes, because that’s a helpful and constructive argument.

Perhaps instead you could “Answer the question, Claire”:

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Of course you are right, it’s mostly colonialist killing of a culture. Perhaps not even deliberate, perhaps blind in a way. It happens in many countries still today. Even parents thinking it may be better for their children to learn only one language (so the national one, which would help if they would learn of course), and yeah the result is clear. It’s not something most Germans even think about. It’s more an effect of the modern system and perhaps missing teachers. So I don’t disagree with you on that in the modern age at all.

Northern Irland is literally still colonized and part of Britain.


I think it needs to be sunk to the bottom of the ocean :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If it affected my ancestors, it can affect me. I come from a country in Asia that was under European colonialism, and the effects and trickle down effects are seen to this day. Culture and history were lost, and the impact of European exploitation is still visible to this day. You cannot possibly know enough about it, until you are in said person’s shoes.


When was European colonization of Asia? (hint it wasn’t the Middle Ages)

Na it went the way of the Dodo some time ago.

The fact that I was raised Christian means that I was impacted by something that happened hundreds of years ago.


The loss of an independent Ireland and the formation of the UK happened in the Modern period.

Ah yes, in a few years time, we will certainly magically gain back our lost records and cultural traditions!


16 Century.

I’m literally saying that colonization, that occurred in the Modern period, of both Asia and Ireland, is valid, because it occurs in the Modern period :skull:

That’s the modern period lol

Baal just wants everyone to know that whatever hardships your ancestors have suffered, and however that impacted you. He had it worse.

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Your arbitrary rules for history aren’t helping your case. Cultural genocide doesn’t die just because a few more years passed.


I agree with that. We would likley be still influenced from others, if not from them, but indeed.

Some of you seem to think Modern period means post industrialization and it does not, in fact, refer to that :skull: