Wanting to be hated

That record turnout was across the board. The MAGA crowd came out in numbers 10 million stronger than the numbers that elected Trump in 2014 and they were predominately white. Not entirely, there are quite a few Latino voters that get with the macho message or simply want to make sure that now they’re in, no one else comes in afterwards, and of course there are non-white Fundamentalists. But still… the MAGA crowd is almost entirely a monoculture.

And Trump was not soundly defeated, it was just a seven million margin when you had over 150 million total voting. That’s a percentage that could easily flip again in 2024 when a much more intelligent Trump 2.0 is nominated instead.

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Daelin, and Arthas are brought up, so that Saurfang can see the ,obvious, honor and virtue the Alliance are capable of despite what predominant figures in the past have done to the Horde. Prior to this he has been partial to dying in battle with the Alliance, due to his struggles with what Blackhand’s Legacy meant for the Horde.

I know why they’re brought up.

My point—which you can see in the post that you didn’t quote, #856—is that Arthas wasn’t representing the Alliance when he went rogue in Northrend or slaughtered his way through Lordaeron. That wasn’t “the Alliance,” that was just Arthas being evil.

Uhh, okay. Arthas didn’t sit well in comparison to Blackhand with me either.

Othmar Garithos would’ve been a better comparison, but I guess these days we just chalk the Blood Elves faction-swapping to, “Horde races are monsters” instead of “Alliance was racist” >__>

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Well, that’s because Anduin is having to convince Saurfang of the virtues of the Alliance. Not saying Sylvanas is right…

And that does have me genuinely worried. I buried my Great Aunt last February. She was 104. She’d spent time in Hitler’s Germany. This isn’t a hypothetical for me I’ve known and loved people who lived it.

We really got lucky. Our experiment with Authoritarianism was led by a known con man who was so inept his literal cult of personality had to keep “Trusting The Plan” to excuse his ceaseless baffonery. Just how much worse this could’ve gotten genuinely keeps me awake at night. It is heartbreaking on a profound level to see the same thing my great grandfather crossed an ocean to escape to give his children, to give my mom, to give me, a better life - fester in this country.

So perhaps its an audacious hope. But I legitimately believe the lunatics really are the minority. They can be beaten. And sorry for going off earlier but it’s a sore subject for me. The reality is when we do see stuff like that from our family or friends- we can’t just ignore it. Stuff could get way worse.

I’m over simplifying the situation dramatically here, but I do believe a large part of the reason the Weimar Republic fell was because the opposition to the N@ZIs was so at odds they were literally killing eachother in the streets. They couldn’t have known better though. But we do. We know what this is. This is a fractured nation but together the worst are a minority.

I also apologize for going off earlier. Lot of idiots in this thread talking about hot button issues. I’m sorry if I was insulting. But like the biggest Trump supporter I know is a Phillipino married to a black woman. And the most Well they mean well but they’re being a screaming prick about it is in fact a WASP. It’s not that simple. America truly is a rich tapestry of loud idiots. And I’m part German and Italian so I myself have zero trouble being very loud.

There isn’t really a one for one comparison to any point in history here. Like Covid-19, this is new. Theres similar strains but no, this is something unique. And all we can do is try our best, and never stop trying.


They really should’ve gone through with the Battle.Net ID posting system so nobody could hide behind alts and everyone’s cards were on the table.

idk man, you look like one of the experiments from Laboratory 5 in the capital…

??? Ma’am this country’s history has been:

  • British Colony until 1776 = slavery and genocide of natives and ridiculous extents of religious persecution
  • Early Postcolonial Presidents through 1865 = more slavery, more genocide of natives
  • 1865 - 1965 = Jim Crow, more indigenous genocide, anti-Asian immigration laws, anti-Latin American immigration laws, resurgence of religious persecution (anticatholicism until 1920s, antisemitism especially in the early 20th, etc)
  • 1965 - now = the Nixon-and-later period you’re saying is somehow so much worse than was before???


Nah b they aren’t, “if men were angels we wouldn’t have need of laws”, etc

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Why are you so concerned with Elf posters?

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I’ll tell you if you post on your main, Mr. 28 Post Zandalari Alt That’s Still In Full BFA Gear At Level 50 That Only Started Posting Today In Media Res Of Multiple Arguments


So you’re trying to gatekeeper new people from posting?

See, you’re all cowards, that’s why the Battle.Net system would’ve been perfect for the forums. You can see who is responding to you via an anonymous handle but you can also see every character in their account.

You pretty obviously have some dee seated issues with control, and insecurity.

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Here go, sweet pea.

Just post on main bro, I can see from your account you only made a Horde character 1 year after you started playing, meaning you’re an Alliance main.

So sue me? What can you possibly say now?

I am sorry you had the experiences you did. Racism is a truly horrific aspect of humanity.

I agree on both points, firstly that the last thing I want to see in WoW is racism. It seems popularized now that to have a good story you need sexism and racism, or some kind of gritty nihilistic theme pulled from the darkness of the real world. This can largely be blamed on A Song of Ice and Fire, but it’s my hope it never makes it into the main storyline of WoW. The world is dark enough as is - those who have experienced the coldness of it firsthand don’t need to have it seep into their entertainment.

That is not to say that racism and sexism can’t be handled in a mature and meaningful way in fiction. It is to say I don’t think WoW is the platform for it, or that it’d suddenly make the story or Alliance more interesting. To say so hints at a lack of imagination.

Secondly, I’m with you as to being over the faction war. It’s stale, and unless one faction wins the story can never progress past yet another stalemate. I’m hopeful that the Jailer is a sign of things to come with Blizzard creating new antagonists rather than contrived reasons to turn existing characters/leaders into them.


Here’s a character that’s about as geared as your boy. How are you going to hatekeep past this?

Aren’t you going to try and gatekeep some more stuff? I’m not here to tell you you’re special, just confused as to why you’re so concerned with detracting anyone who disagrees with you, or some of these other cronies, You’re clearly dissatisfied with a lot about this game, and I think you should reevaluate your time spent thinking about it.

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If the worst parts of human nature reigned supreme I genuinely believe we’d still be killing eachother over hunting grounds. We managed to land on the Moon, we managed to cure horrific diseases, and dogs seem to like us and they seem pretty chill so clearly we’re not completely irredeemable. Plus we made this MMO called WoW and that’s kinda neat.

I am a cynic. I don’t think I’ve ever managed a sober January because I got to the age to start worrying about my drinking at uh, 2016 and I’ve never stopped using the state of the world to justify my own self destructive tendencies. I am not a happy or hopeful person.

But I’m not without certain beliefs. I believe humanity is an intrinsically heroic species who will make it in the end. The road may be long and bloody, so much so I suspect new words will have to be developed to describe the horror that’s to come, but in the end the better angels of our nature will win.

My conspiracy theory is most people are basically good, despite all evidence to the contrary. And that light that is the indomitable human spirit, dim though it may feel at times, will lead us to a better tomorrow. It has thus far. Don’t see why it’d stop now.