Wanting to be hated

That’s um, just literally not what the story is though. So I’m not sure what you’re arguing. He goes and gets Thrall, whos always been keen to coexist with the Alliance.

The most aggressive he gets is a veiled threat to Anduin because he just wants to be left alone to die. And his literal last words are “For Azeroth”.

I don’t doubt that you play the game but I do doubt that you pay attention to it.

It’s not the story that saurfang himself was orchestrating the removal of the Alliance, at the behest of Sylvanas? He could have died unceremoniously a Tank lordaeron, maybe that would have made you happier in your quest for hating the Alliance. Anduin took it from one faction, to both. Sorry.

Okay, boomer.

Also way to shirk all responsibility by just dropping it on the WASP’s lap like no other variant of racist Caucasian exists in the continental United States. Scape goating an ethnic group while trying to make a point about racism sure is, something.

Of course you’ll get no argument from me that there are no shortage of racist white Americans. Thing is though, that’s not what got us to flirt with fascism. Apathy, as it always does, paved the way.

Remember that in 2016 roughly half the country didn’t vote. 48% by some estimates and I know for a fact it wasn’t white racists staying home. One because, duh, and two because I know people in that 48%, and about half of them aren’t white.

It’s the “LOL Turd Sandwich VS Giant Douche” hipster nihilism that got us here. Turns out though the lesser of two evils is in fact, less evil. That doesn’t mean we just accept the lesser evils thoughtlessly and don’t continue to push for meaningful change. But that also doesn’t mean we pretend to be above it all, and act like we’re cleaner for not involving ourselves in a very flawed and often nothing but dissapointing system. Doing something, turns out, is actually better than doing nothing at all.

Thankfully this last year saw record voter turnout across the board, to say nothing of the activism we saw all summer. But we’ll see. But, no, it is not nor is it ever as simple as “some people are just pricks”.


Oh, yeah bruh. Give that final pep-talk an actual watch for once. The Battle for Orgrimmar cutscene. Because, you might actually feel a type of way about what I told you.


Are you in a parallel universe?

Because Saurfang says the Horde has been a bunch of violent lunatics from day one, it seems like it usually is, and maybe it should just fall apart.

The High King of the Alliance has to convince him otherwise by pointing out ya know the Alliance also had some bad eggs and with the power of forgiveness and friendship we can win the day.

:point_up: Even as only one of Anduin’s examples is even valid.

Wtf are you talking about? I swear it’s like your glossing over facts laid out in front of you. Saurfang believes that Sylvanas is the heir to the Horde, and Vol’jin and Thrall aren’t. Anduin has to convince him about FORGIVENESS so that the knuckledragger can get over his fear of the Alliance, and do something.



Oh please. I should have known this is the kind of crap that would come from you. How come Saurfang wants the Alliance to take him to the grave, B R U H?

We’ve just met. Wait a minute, 18 posts? Who’s Elfposters alt is this? I see you.

And I guess I just do not posses the cosmic space brain necessary to see a man who thinks his life and nation should maybe just end because of their many, often mutual sins and conclude “nah he’s actually terrified of this wide eyed nice boy who keeps cheering him up”


I feel like this is that part of the conversation where there’s a lot of confusion and people start tripping over each other, so lemme just slip in here and…

Saurfang doesn’t say, “Sylvanas is the heir to the Horde, not Thrall or Vol’jin.”

He specifically says she’s the heir to Blackhand’s legacy.

That’s a big difference, because yes, like Benedikt pointed out, Saurfang is making the claim that

He even references the “Path of Glory” paved with the bones of innocent draenei—he’s talking about the original Horde led by Gul’dan and Blackhand, and how all the progress made by the “modern” Horde is basically worthless.

Coming from an orc who literally fought in Northrend to bring about the fall of the Lich King, this is pretty depressing.

It’s even more depressing that Anduin, of all people, has to convince Saurfang, “No, the Horde has honor!” while trying to use the examples of Arthas (who wasn’t even representing the Alliance while committing his crimes) and Daelin (who was brought to justice by none other than the Horde itself) as examples of, “See? We Allies have our baddies, too!”


Nice, ad hoenhiem attack. He’s not whatsoever struggling with the idea the Horde would be dismantled, but that he’s in the wrong, and Sylvanas. Who he claims ‘is’ the heir to he Horde btw. Is in the right. And, despite your reeking diaper, about this and various other topics, you’re wrong.
Anduin has to tell him ‘no’ Sylvanas isn’t the heir to the Horde, and he should broaden his concerns beyond ‘muh Horde’. Clown.

This is uncalled for.

Please grow up.


If he can dish it, he can take it.

I’ve never to my knowledge attacked Hoenheim. Did you mean ad hominem? Because here’s an example of one;

I don’t know who you are, but it is beyond obvious you’ve some beef with me and are posting from an alt. You have a coward’s heart and a mule’s brain.

That would be ad hominem.


Why is it so important to you, that this is some past grievance? I’ve read these forums for awhile, and your have the worst takes and opinions of any, and all.

Whatever bro. Thankfully I don’t much value the opinion of spineless, mediocre men.

Yeah, lol. You’ve got so much else to do then stuff like that.
Does it help you feel a type of way to envision yourself more powerful then someone else from behind a screen?

Dude you’re the one who replied to me. I tried to have a good faith argument with you until you just started spouting nonsense and insulting me.

You’re obviously on an alt because you probably post regularly here, otherwise I’d have no earthly idea how you’d have even the vaguest preconception about me, and you’re doing that because it’d be too embarrassing to be this vocally antagonistic and dumb on your main.

Have a nice night. Good to know I can always stay rent free in your head.


Wow, it’s like you’re upset anyone can read these forums. Which I’m pretty sure you are.
Facts stand, and you’re ducking out. Anduin has to make sure Poutfang knows the Alliance aren’t as big, and mean as he was convinced they were like a month prior.
He wanted them to give him his pouty death, but Anduin needed to use him.
For all it’s worth, I’m glad you’re ducking out with my first reply to your posts. Feels good.