Wanting to be hated

Nope it isn’t thanks for playing, everyone owes an obligation and has a responsibility to society and future generations to make things better and not worse, and many actions and creations make things worse due to reckless promotion of certain ideologies in the narrative

So you’re illiterate, how sad.


Not that surprising, a lot of people who are from specific cultures play the race that aggressively is based on their IRL culture, if social media is anything to go by.

A lot of people don’t, or even do the opposite, which is fine too, even good!

But the frustration comes in when the representation is perfect but the narrative is lacking lol

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So, socialism is literally defined as:

“a theory or system of social organization that advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, capital, land, etc., by the community as a whole, usually through a centralized government.”

Which seems pretty in-line with

Not at all. I bet I’ve read more in my long life then you have in yours.

But the one thing I’ve learned from reading so much is that there are some things that just aren’t worth reading… At least not too much of.

Please don’t say that, I don’t wanna be a night elf. D:
Wait, I kinda am. An older model.


Not at all.

Anyway, besides the point.

The only obligation anyone has is to not purposefully harm society.
Not to sacrifice artistic freedom “just in case” someone might be offended by it.

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My solution was just to pretend Alteracis are German - as that accent is present in game so it had to come from somewhere and mountains you see, and nobody can tell me the Wastewanders can’t also be vaguely Sicilian because they have like four sentences of lore.

Then undeath because that never doesn’t make things more interesting.

You metrics would make it hard to write anything beyond what is culturally expected.

I could say they never should have redeemed the Orcs because socially Blizzard has an obligation to ensure that the act of genocide is irredeemable.


Well, I guess I can toss kerosene on this fire as well.

So first off, Socialism as an economic structure where the government owns the means of production, usually defined as the “commanding heights” of the economy. Depending on the structure, this could be achieved through things like direct state control, workers’ councils etc. That doesn’t have much to do with the idea of a corporation having any kind of moral duty to the society it sells products to. That notion is called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). That’s taught in business school classes, you can find it in most ethics policies, and large corporations tend to have metrics that measure it. Right Wing corporations have them, Left Wing corporations have them. Before we had that shiny acronym though - we just called it a person or a firm’s reputation. It was that thing that separated George Bailey from Mr. Potter - and that thing that people generally find desirable in people that they purchase from. How much is that worth in the AAA games industry? Well, if you ask CD Projekt red, a developer that went from the shining city on the hill to just another company releasing a debatably broken game, you can put a number on that: $1.8 Billion - or 22% of the company’s value.

… and that is a very capitalist concern.

Now, are there concerns with Blizzard possibly promoting fascist ideology? Well, let’s see. The Horde, as defined by the Orcs, meets ten of the fourteen points defining fascism as laid out by Uberto Eco’s Ur Fascism. Sylvanas convinced Saurfang to go to war pretty much with the 14 words. I have seen some people parrot some pretty yikes and irresponsible views about the faction war on Twitter, on GD, and even on these boards - things that, if you were to switch a few of the words around, you could mistake for being a historical quote from the early-middle of the 20th century sitting next to a “causes and contributing factors” box.

Meanwhile the game is telling us that European-coded humans are alabaster-white, morally - teaching their darker skinned allies how not to be vengeful towards characters that are coded as African, Native American, Middle Eastern or Asian (which the game still tells us were complicit in a genocide), while at the same time teasing that they might be about to tell us how genocide is okay sometimes and in certain circumstances.

One might call that a CSR nightmare.


Anduin is not the entire human race Kyalin.


I’ve been saying this since WotLK.

The DKs golden ticket written by Tirion was a disaster for the lore.

Fans to this day are still racking their brains trying to figure out why their undead comrades join the Forsaken while cdev is still tap dancing trying to explain. Before the Storm is the closest we’re gonna get to that storyline. Instead of Sylvanas shutting down the party in Arathi it should have been Alliance dissenters.


I mean, is it really necessary to “toss kerosene on this fire”?

I thought Faelia summed up the real issue nicely, outside of arbitrary “-isms,” with

I really don’t think art makes many if any people change their mind. But it can affirm preexisting beliefs.

So interacting with it critically, at least at the creative level, is important. And as I noted above there has been a lot of internet racist weirdos who played WoW.

That’s not Blizz’s fault. Millions played this game over the years, I’m sure at least one kid who became a brain surgeon did but I wouldn’t credit them for that anymore than I’d fault them for the other thing.

But are we going to pretend it’s not at all notable how Kek became attached to really weird and often concerning people but Bur didn’t?

It’s not worthy of any critical thought that it was an Alliance Guild in Classic that had a State Congressman openly call out Blizz because a white supremacist hate group was openly doing their thing on Grobb?

That’s not to say the Horde are angels. I’ve seen trade chat. Anonymity attracts absolute cretins in the same way light scatters roaches. But doesn’t it bother you at all some people were almost certainly killing trolls going “Hahaha, yeah, gibbering savages that’s exactly what they’re like”.

Now I’m not saying we must cancel all harmless fun because troglodytes make it weird. But when you have the lowest of the low laughing with you because they took the joke at face value- maybe it’s time to at least consider revisiting your material.


There is no other villain bat to suggest, as the answer still is for Blizzard to stop villain batting at all.

Your insistence on “Blizzard will never stop villain batting” is not a conversation as much as a conclusion you have just set on repeat.


Since you mention it, I’m recalling a rather unfortunate anecdote I once read about some EU guild that got REALLY into the War of Thorns stuff, like “we’re roleplaying making night elves dig their own graves before executing them by firing squad while we pass out Forsaken-themed WW2 German medals” and hoo boy was that certainly a thing.

Having been reminded of this, and reading more of this thread, I’m cooling on the whole racism idea myself because even if the game doesn’t want to intend it, the idea that some players would want to whole-heartedly embrace it as if it’s a good thing makes me wince pretty hard.


I’m giving you a like Sarm for the “cooling on the whole racism idea” but the example you gave of the EU guild is highly disturbing.

Makes me wonder if they did the same thing to Darkspear players when Garrosh was having the Trolls executed in front of Orgrimmar.

Eh… i dont know what to think about it, to each their own i guess, as long as theyre not hurting anybody you can do whatever you want, sometimes you’re the one that has to make up ways to enjoy the media you consume.

If I remember the anecdote correctly, they in fact did enjoy that, as a Korkron group at the time. Then I think they went alliance for a bit, and then back to horde for BFA? My memory’s a bit fuzzy.

On the other hand, I never ever ever ever clean my internet cookies so I was able to pull up the comparison image of those medals and yep, they’re just as on-the-nose as I remembered.

To each their own indeed, but that is definitely some role playing that I would stay well clear of if I came across it.

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I would stay away from a platoon of forsaken doing the sieg heil too.