Wanting to be hated

Alleria is actually the only reasonable example of something Baalsamael would want, given that she was away from Azeroth for all the developments that happened between Warcraft II and the end of Legion.

And even then, Alleria joined up with Saurfang and his rebels. Saurfang who was Doomhammer’s liutenant in command of the rearguard when the Horde marched on Quel’Thalas.



Did I? Honestly I don’t remember

Because most just want to have the cake and eat it. Still I blame Blizzard for installing this mindset on the big majority.

The worst part is this will never make any alliance character into a real one as they will never face consequences and all will be handled easily to them(DBZ power boost, Knowledge, Wisdowm, etc) which will kill the franchise at the end.


Well, taking the lvl 10 pally alts opinion out of the equation, we do agree that camps or genocide were equally horrible options right? No rational person actually thinks those two options were even close to being a good option

But honestly, what were the alliance suppose to do with them? They clearly couldn’t let them continue to run free after what they just tried to do

My surviving grandmother turned one-hundred-and-five years old down in Mexico last month.

Obviously not. Seemingly I now have to add the fact that I’m absolutely and fully against genocide or camps…which I thought was the general consensus anyway? I didn’t think that I actually had to add such a statement.

But, you know I thought we were talking about the lore without a connection to the real world.

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Most statements made on here need a disclaimer, or people will you what you think you typed/said. It’s sad

What did the Allies do with Germany after WW2? Put all Germans in re-education camps where they were abused by the French and English? Did the world suggest nuking the place or pulling a Robespierre and going guillotine happy? Were the Germans enslaved?

Literally so many historical examples over the centuries all over the world that isn’t genocide and concentration camps lmao


The entire point of this conversations is centered on the real-world ethical implications of Blizzard’s narrative formation with the added nuance of the meta-ethical implications taking into account the racial/ethnic inspiration and root of each gameplay race, and what Blizzard should thus do with the Horde and Alliance.


Hmm. What if the character is level 20? Or a claim to insane behavior? This sweet nectar of action, lack of thought about the consequences … Probably stupid behavior. Yes. No? (nervous laugh)

Keydia - are you a blood elf from the “psychopath” guild, [Keydiam]?
OU. Has Erevien been to the German forums as well? Suddenly.

The main problem with that is the fact that the orcs weren’t just another race of humans—they were literally something humanity had never seen before.

  1. They had green skin
  2. They were considered humongous compared to an average adult male human
  3. Their eyes burned with demon fire!
  4. They tired far more slowly than most humans
  5. They also had dragons!
  6. They rode around on giant wolves!
  7. They had ogre magi!
  8. They had undead warriors armed with necromancy!

Like, I would see your point if this were simply “Humans of Stromgarde vs. Humans of Gilneas.” But it needs to be repeated that the First and Second Wars were attempted invasions by the Burning Legion, and there were very identifiable methods in how the orcs fought that hinted at that.

Uther even says at the beginning of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, “We’ve defeated their demon masters long ago,” indicating that the Alliance knew or at least suspected what kind of evil the original Horde was really in service to, likely as a result of Khadgar’s and the Kirin Tor’s/Quel’dorei’s information.

Which is just weird for me, because I honestly thought that no one in their right mind would ever actually think that genocide or camps are a morally right choice.

In the end the Alliance in this case was more or less forced into a decision, and the overall story treats the camps as the more merciful (I say this with giant quotation marks I made them bigger just in case) decision completely outside of real world morality…and I personally doubt that Blizzard ever actually thought that anyone would ever analyze their story like this.

I went Alliance actually, and my blood elf rogue now has the same name as this character here. But, still got the guild name!

And yes this is just my US-forum-writing character. You can’t write here with EU-characters…which is stupid, because we can use one account and post on all forums in every other game forum. Only WoW is the exception. The forum software is weird man.

Okay, but nobody has answered what was to be done with them after the war. You’re telling me things I already know on a meta level. What were the ALLIANCE supposed to with the Orcs after the war? From a story perspective that is

I literally gave you an example of the Germans.

Come on like this: Native Americans (specifically - the Aztecs) were the first to swim across the Atlantic, burst into the cities of Europe and began to carry out bloody sacrifices. And they won. They won very much.
And then the Europeans fought back, broke into America and killed everyone who was there.

There is a lack of monstrously divine fauna. M … Probably, in subsequent myths this would be corrected.
No one has a suitable alternative historian?

We’re not talking about the Germans. Lets keep this to the story

Baalsamael has also stopped responding to me, so at this point it’s just him running around with emotional responses not actually addressing anything.

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Like I said, I think Antonidas and the Kirin Tor were on the right track, but for the reasons I previously provided, never got the chance to implement their proposed solution of curing the orcs.

It’s also noteworthy that Antonidas’ proposed solution is one of research and at least some amount of mercy—he wanted to study the orcs, and then cure them.

That’s very much a progressive solution given the “execute the brutes and be done with it!” approach taken by the majority of the Alliance at the time.

Interestingly, it also foreshadows, intentionally or not, the modern Horde rehabilitating the Fel Orcs of Hellfire Peninsula during The Burning Crusade years later…

At the time it wasn’t a valid thought exercise. At the time was the ideal opportunity to have called Blizzard out on the dumb decision.

We can acknowledge when Blizzards contrives a tragedy because “it’s the story they want to tell” and forces characters to act like reasonable people in order to make it happen. All for the sake of a knee-jerk emotional impact it’ll have on the audience. And we can respond with, “That’s stupid. I don’t like that. Write better.” and rightfully condemn both genocide and concentration camps of pixels.

I mean, we’ve all spent the past couple years ragging on Blizzard for doing exactly that in BfA.


Tammy, you do realize that Baalsamael is requesting the Alliance be written to be more like what you wish Blizzard hadn’t written, rather than less, right?

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Sure: “Give them a piece of land or push them back to their land, set up an impenetrable defense of the gate, figure out what’s causing them to be bloodthirsty, and help them unlearn their violent behaviors while granting them local autonomy”

You’ve said nothing worth responding to lol


Nope, read the full post you cherry picked.

I’m saying Blizzard is only capable of writing one way, so fine, hit both factions with the same bat then.