Wanting to be hated

And when one token (or three) of those “Backward Savages” sides with the “Good White Man”, it then falls onto “Noble Savage” Trope, which as I stated at the start of this thread via a post on another thread:


IMO it’s simply because the WoW Writers that remain see themselves more in the Alliance. It’s really that simple. And all the Horde-main writers we knew about literally left. They are literally all gone.

“Intentional” as in “mwahahaha lets oppress the POC metaphors!” no, but as in “Lets make the faction I personally identify with perfect and always having the moral highground and make the other faction always bad such that even my faction’s sins are always justifiable” (which is a sort of passive, narrative racism) due to a general lack of self awareness yes.

There is no way in a company as large as Blizzard, who have put out statements for Black Lives Matter in the past (albeit, well after the onset) so at least have someone dedicated to these sorts of “optics” and perceptions, isn’t aware of the meta-implications of the story they are writing.

If the art team is putting in research into real world cultures to such an elaborate detail, they know what they are doing.

It just isn’t a priority.

Until/Unless someone writes a very complex book doing an in-game ethnographic analysis with research into countless world cultures and forces Blizzard to look in the mirror. Which in theory I’m working on since undergrad, but lord knows this ain’t easy lmao (also med school).