How can we redeem/rebuild the Horde?

Just going to point out

  1. Noble Savage is a racist trope, not a narrative to aspire to
  2. Horde needs to be written as antiheroes, but Blizz is both unwilling and unable to do this
  3. Everything that is Horde-race-centric is always either belittled in the narrative in favor of an Alliance race, or outright plagiarized for an Alliance race. Example of the former is Tauren were told “Actually your Musha stuff is false and dumb, Night Elves were right”, which is extremely problematic given Tauren are the in-game metaphor of North American Natives. Example of the latter is “Void Elves” being a faction of Blood Elves that are into tentacles being given to the Alliance and throughout BFA, extremely more useful to the Alliance than Blood Elves (who are the True Highborne diaspora).
  4. The Alliance should just be written as more racist like they used to be, since they are by and large the White Westerner in-game metaphor. A lot of BFA would’ve been largely improved by all the Alliance being racist against the Horde except Anduin, since that would justify things.
  5. "Re-Education Camps" are racist, so they should actually be suggested in-game to contribute to building up “Make Alliance Racist Again” efforts, so they share in villain bat.