Dumb assumption. Sorry you have a typical 9-5 bummer job.
It’s not a dumb to assume most people are asleep at 6am, I would even put money on that.
Sure, but there are still hundreds of people playing this game at any given time.
RDF gives you the means to interact with those hundreds of people instead of measly amount of people on your server.
I forgot that AV was around so I zoned in for a few xp bars and it made me realize darn we got the short end of the stick. I miss being able to do funner things with other players on a whim instead of collecting 10 beaver pelts all alone. Dumb dumb dumb. This was the wrong choice. So dumb.
the thing I’m talking about doesn’t even rise to the level of guilds and friendlists. It’s just: doing things in the company of others. I don’t WANT to have a relationship with every random jabroni but I do enjoy their company.
It’s the same with questing
I’m not gonna group up to do quests if I don’t have to. Seeing other people is cool, but I don’t want to be pals with every single player.
Hahahhahahahahahha nice.
must be nice to be omniscient to know how the population feels. oh wait, you just dont give a damn about facts as long as you get to play the way you enjoy playing. you lost every last shred of your credibility the minute you said…
just proves your a misinformation spreading troll.
Blizzard should just release their limited poll data
random dungeon finder would’ve helped you since it would magically group the poor souls who play at different locations and early times.
It seems like a lot of people are. Servers are already starting to thin out.
Man I wish I could afford a Lamborghini and be a famous movie actor. If only there was a better way…
You tried bud
Tried the same paper argument. whats wrong did i trigger a nerve?
You’re asking for instant success, I’m asking for access and a feature that already exists.
We are not the same
Thanks for the bump tho
yikes making paper arguments to make a bad point. If you want the feature bring it in when it came out then with ICC :).
Did the hardcore no lifers come in to tell you to go to retail yet?
There’s a laundry list of things we have now that same logic could be applied to.
if only there was a better way
Have you tried playing at time that isn’t when no one is playing? or have you tried leveling? Because I have no issues filling heroics at 6am even on a fresh server.
Also you can literally solo BF from 60-70 and Bot from 70-77. Why do you need RDF?
That argument doesn’t work either because it came out in 3.3 and we’re on 3.4
Also there’s a ton of features released now that were released later in wrath’s lifetime.
Good effort