Alliance on Nightslayer. If you are knowledgeable, well-spoken, driven and capable of leading a committed group of raiders, please contact me and we can see if you’re the right fit for joining our Guild.
Raid nights are scheduled Tues/Thurs at 7:00pm server time. Clearing Molten Core every Thursday (55 minutes most recent) since release and Onyxia every reset.
We would like to enlist an experienced gamer that is capable of picking up the reins to speed up our Molten Core time as well as navigate us successfully thru the next progression phases, including Naxxramas in its entirety.
We are proceeding effortlessly in this phase, but looking beyond it is preferred to have an experienced individual shot calling and maintaining quick clears! Reach out to me if you would like to take on the role.
What’s the compensation?
Are you looking for someone with a toon on fresh or can it be more of a hand off kind of thing?
How organized are the guild officers?
Naw, haha. We haven’t really had a raid leader thus far and have been using our MT as a hybrid RL along with a couple others making callout. Would really like to enlist an actual RL.
We are looking for someone to be part of the actual raid rather than back seating. We would replace a spot in our raid group, any class would work as long as you are comfortable leading as it. We currently have a close knit of 3 people organizing and running the show. Compensation of consumables and gold - more discussion over Discord.
Seems like trolling a bit. As stated before, we are looking for the RL to be an actual player in the raid. Muting isn’t the craziest request. All BoE’s wouldn’t be viable as they are necessary for Guild Bank funding, which we use for consumables and performance-based payouts. The sword comment is funny, understandable tbh. Gkicks would not be necessary if we find the right fit, because ideally everyone would like the way they lead.
The guild I raided with in vanilla it was 4 hours a night, 5 nights a week. Even when we were neck-deep in Naxxramas, we still raided every bit of previous content. I can honestly say I don’t miss at least that part of my experience raiding in vanilla. Starts to feel like a part/full-time job that you aren’t being paid for.