Wanted classic + . Not MoP

Was really hoping…


Still find it so weird they did that mini event around MoP, just to be doing classic MoP too. Probably aim to milk that Chinese audience once more.


Yeah Idk who they’re even marketing this to anymore. The vast majority of people who played classic… played it for Vanilla and then the next two. The epic trilogy. Cata’s population is so dead it’s even lower than SoD which is a temporary server.

Yikes, Blizzard. Yikes.


Lines up well, from what I understand China lost their WoW distributer a while back, and are only now getting it back.

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Yep. That mini event seemed to be catered specifically to them getting that connection back… and with classic headed towards the MoP direction anyways, I’m sure they figured why not?

I guess we gotta start up what we really wanted from Classic + again, because it seems like somehow the devs forgot all those massive posts about minimal changes and keeping true to the spirit of Classic with just the basic changes and QoL things.

Lets combines forces and post here for now and get yet another thread going…

I mean… maybe they are planning for both. But I doubt it

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I hope classic + still happens

Multiple interviews from the devs confirms classic+, as well as twitter posts. Quote from Aggrend after Warcraft direct:

“I definitely understand if you are bummed because [insert thing you personally want here] wasn’t announced today, but that doesn’t mean that thing or something close to it isn’t being worked on in some way, shape, or form.”

It would not make sense to announce classic+ now when it is likely 2+ years away from being finished. If it were close to finished and ready to be announced I would be highly skeptical - and so would you. It makes perfect sense to announce classic fresh and tbc now to not lose subs and let most of us play that for the next 1.5-2 years til we get an announcement and hype for classic+. Imo

This right here is exactly why you clowns set yourself up for disappointment lmao. Nothing about that says classic+ is for sure being worked on.

But youre gonna take that tweet and run with it, and spread to everybody that aggrend said classic plus is coming. Then when they announce WoD classic instead youre gonna be on the forums making angry posts. Its honestly pathetic

Mostly based off of the 4 interview’s they’ve had.
26:44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np3z7mO0rYk&t=1613s - for example.
If you don’t believe it is coming, that’s fine.

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By “they” you mean retail right? Because Remix was a Dragonflight timewalking event to test out new tw scaling, make mounts and transmog easier to farm and give players alts for TWW.

MoP Classic is managed by a different team and will actually be original Mists of Pandaria. Remix didn’t even do content progression or use MoP’s items from raids.

Here’s what you don’t understand:

Classic+ isn’t an overnight project. It will likely be a couple of years before they can even pitch a conceptual alpha. This is something the classic team isn’t fully staffed for currently either.

A company like Blizzard has to have a product cadence. They can’t just leave the Cataclysm crowd empty-handed either, MoP Classic is something quick and realistic.

You guys need to understand that your Classic+ crowd aren’t the only ones playing the game. Classic is intended to be a series of legacy expansions to give players the chance to experience or re-experience older versions of WoW that they may have missed.

If you aren’t interested, you still have SoD, Era, Hardcore and now another Classic Fresh that will turn into BC & Wrath. You have plenty of options.

It’s been 5 years since original classic. They did a survey about a classic+ before TBC even came out. They also didn’t deliver on multiple promises that were made during Sod’s announcement.

That was the point.