Want to Like Enhancement, but

I’ve tried messing around with Enhancement, but it feels like I have all the buttons of an Elemental Shaman plus 5 more.

Could someone go through the ideal PvP setup/opener, and core rotation?

I am just trying to figure out my keybinds for this.

In terms of the melee moves, some people have said just stormstrike and lava lash.

But, I seeing lightning crash and ice strike as well. Then there’s also a Nova move and then some.

So, we have all of that, and then we still have to use all the totems and spells of an Elemental Shaman for damage and healing.

I must be conceiving of the class wrong, and I am sure there’s a basic core rotation and then situational moves.

Please help.

Just go on youtube and type in ‘enhancement shaman pvp’ and there’s different videos showing rotations, etc. Reading text isn’t as good as watching videos and practicing live. Good luck.

pretty sure you just keep flame dot up and hit stormstrike until lava lash or ele blast lights up but I havnt played it recently

Saul posted a solid beginner guide on YouTube for both PvP builds with everything you need.

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I get you, I leveled up this character to try out enhancement and almost dropped it… I was following an elemental build with totemic and the button bload was insane for me. I swapped for a lightning build and I’m having a blast, and has less buttons to press and feel more fluid to me. It may not be the best in pvp right now but will probably be the best build to go to with the new PTR changes

Thanks, I look for it.