Want friends to que M+ Keys with

I’m in the same boat, been tanking m+ for years now and am just to anti social to get a consistent group so I purely pug.

Managed to get to 2435 and I constantly wonder if I had a consistent group how much higher I’d be. In part I think m+ pugging as a tank has made me not want anything to do with people in this game as bad as that sounds. You play well and have a smooth run nobody says anything other than “gg” at the end and leave group, but if you or someone else in the group makes a single mistake the toxicity comes out immediately from people. I just go into keys now with the mindset that everyone in my group is a PoS putting on an act at the start of a key acting friendly just knowing they are waiting to pounce. I know not everyone is like that but it is the majority when you get into 20+ keys when pugging.

Problem now though is I feel as blood dk I can completely carry runs in things below a 20, but now I’m hitting a wall where dps players just don’t put enough effort into learning their class enough to even do the required amount of damage to time the key to begin with. The amount of 250+ ilvl dps that can only manage 6-7k overall is insane. I’m usually around 6k overall as blood dk in runs, so when I see a dps only pulling 1k higher overall than me while having 5% of the responsibility or effort needed is infuriating.

Maybe I just need to suck it up and give people a chance lol, it’s just tough when the only time people talk in keys is to flame someone and create toxicity. Because if the run is going smooth or ends well it’s just a simple “gg”

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Lmao. Your entire post is so relatable it actually hurts a little.

It can be dungeon mechanics too. Simple interrupts can make everything a cake walk and ppl end keys with like 2 or 3 but there’s no point saying anything about it cuz flaming, yeah.

A group sounds like what you need my guy.

Who hasn’t pigged it.

I’ll be your palio.

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I quit the game recently and just came back after hearing the Microsoft news. I haven’t played in over 6 months and could use friends too

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