Walking backwards animation

I’ve noticed on five different races they all have different animations walking backwards that looks similar to the underwater walking. Are these new animations or was there a mix-up with the animations?


It is the walking forward animation in reverse. It looks terrible and has to be a bug. Boob physics for females are also playing in reverse.


It’s extremely distracting and frustrating.

It looks SOOO bad, I really do hope it’s just a bug and not an intentional change.


Which races aside from Goblin?

I noticed it on Worgens, Taurens, Pandarens, Vulpera, and Humans.


I have a friend who believes the change is 100000% intentional (his words) and I don’t understand it. It doesn’t look good in any circumstance. No bipedal race would walk backwards that way naturally.

These poor-quality animations are still in the live game, as well as on the latest PTR build. As far as I can see, there has been no official communication regarding the broken backpedal animations.

If intentional, these reimagined backpedal styles are one of the most upsetting changes that have been introduced to the game. I can hardly stand playing any of my worgen characters because it’s clear that they are flawed. If they are not bugged, the developers really should have implemented a toggle option in the Barber Shop that would allow players to choose the new style, or opt for the much more realistic, higher-quality previous versions.

I now walk backwards normally now :slight_smile:

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I am extremely happy that developers appeared to offer remedy for some races, but unfortunately, other races are still not fully resolved.

For example, female tauren characters were finally brought back to their correct backpedal animation for the latest retail build, but the step speed is nearly twice as fast as normal, and is incredibly frustrating. This behavior continued throughout the entirety of the recent PTRs.

Once these animations are repaired, the quality of life improvement for gameplay will increase dramatically.


The newer animation is better and it’s a shame they’re reverting it just because of a vocal minority. Hopefully just a bug. Keep the new animation. The old animation they move faster than the feet are moving and looks floaty. The nimble jogging backwards is more realistic.