I like the npcs playing DnD in the garden.
And the dog house full of dogs to be petted
I like the npcs playing DnD in the garden.
And the dog house full of dogs to be petted
the whole farmer kinda pirate aesthetic was cool.
the art team puts in a heck of a lot of effort for like people to not like them because of company decisions.
After the horror show that was Zandalar, IDK how anyone could claime ‘horde bias’ anymore. Legit, we needed flightpoints IN TOWN to access things, and the entire ‘loa totem’ system was just ‘pick bird loa so you have mini FP to get around a bit more reasonably’
You have to travel to the next county over just for accessing the docks/war table/reasearch, and then there’s the whole “FIND…YOUR…TRAINER!!!” crud too
Ive said for years now that Boralus is the capital city the alliance never had.
Its way more in depth and beautiful than stormwind.
Elwynn Forest is charming in its own way but Boralus and the mountains and stuff all around is really nice.
Horde got so screwed over in BFA with the like faction specific zone Kul’tiras is so much cooler then Zandalar
I’ve always loved Boralus.
Have you found the underwater pool where you can fish up mats from previous expacs? I think you get to it by diving into the pool where the tidesages are trying to summon something, and swimming down. Or it might be on one of the rocks out in the bay…
It’s been awhile. Definitely need to revisit this city soon.
I mean really go around and just look in oribos. the backdrop, it’s so well done. blizzard’s art scheme is my favorite by far out of any mmo i’ve played.
I like Tirigarde Sound, the south one in zuldazar, stormsong valley, mechagon, and nazjatar. In SL i like some of the places too - Bastion and Zerith Mortis, also Korthia but I don’t like that you can’t fly there yet.
the gnome likes mechagon huh… shrugs
And they did not even utilize most of it.
I got to see my cousins! They smell weird but they’re family!
BfA is what you get when a creators build a world that is to feel alive and lived in. SL issues are that so many zones are empty or just look so familiar with other expansion areas. There was not enough creativity in them.
Yeah, I think BFA had some of the best art out of any expansion. I love all the detail and time the art team put into everything. When I play my level 40s to replay BFA, I never go on my flying mount because I’d rather be down on the ground exploring the world.
After even further exploration of BfA areas, I also will recommend exploring Tiragarde Sound and the Zandalar zones in general. I’d say Zandalar has more numerous places of interest and beauty(slightly) outside the city than Tiragarde Sound, easily the most beautiful jungle like places in the game.
Also I just found an interesting shrine to the Old Gods behind a waterfall near Boralus. I won’t say exactly where it is, but that it is very well hidden. Explore! It is worth it!
And you got npcs sometimes voiced by Ramon Tikaram in Boralus. I freaking love it there
I always said, BfA started out great. It went to crap at the end, but at the start, it was so beautifully done.
It’s really weird to me how much people meme about Dazar’Alor being terrible. The only thing that made that city rough was a lack of flying. It’s gorgeous, powerful, it feels lived in. Throw Orgrimmar in the trashbin, it’s been ruined ever since Wrath and only gotten worse with bigger and dumber iron spikes. Dazar’Alor forever for me.
The only zones that were not particularly memorable imo were Vol’dun and Naz’jatar. The launch 5 + Mechagon were amazing.
Anyway, Boralus/Dazar’Alor are great and tbh I remain hearthed there on my engineers and mages.
BFA really was one of the best xpacs we ever got. The story and the zones were so immersive and packed full of small details. Especially after flying unlocked, it was so cool to see how those zones were designed from the air and there were even more secrets to discover. I also really miss having horrific visions to do.
BFA’s world content was great and overall I think it will age fantastically. It was the borrowed power/Sylvanas storyline that were horrible, and both of those are pretty far removed from the leveling experience – and most people will see it as their leveling experience, going forward.
When I first arrived in Boralus, I thought we were getting another huge Suramar type city with lots of interesting quests, but unfortunately it felt like much of it went unused.