BfA had nice zone fantasy but the game systems were infuriating.
You won’t see me praising the Azerite system or other such BfA nonsense, just the fantastic work done on the zones and especially, the city of Boralus.
Upton Burroughs, the more upper class residential area, is especially nice for that cozy, “I could totally live here!” feel.
Yeah no effort was spared.
Oh no, not the mountains. You’ll notice it less in Kul’Tiras, but they also suffered some mountain boredom. Obviously not as bad though. But what I was speaking of was the lowland areas. Especially places with water and trees and beauty.
And have you seen the Tortollan bars around Zandalar? Love em. But no, I’m not going to defend those mountains. >.<
Somewhere in Zuldazar, there is an NPC who talks about finding a fish that talked …
I guess you don’t mind being attacked every second by misguided Kul-Tirans who hate Catherine Proudmoore or Horde NPCs trying to sneak inside the city.
I wish they could use an existing hub to be our Dragonflight city. Does the hub necessarily have to be on the Dragon Isles?
100% Agree, Boralus as a city is amazing. We frequently RP there because it’s so, so detailed. Go into the rooms at the tops of the taverns, have a look around at what’s on the beds, tables, stacked on foot lockers. It is absolutely lovely. BFA is by far immersion wise, an all around stellar experience. I loved Drustvar too. Absolutely best spooky haunted forest they’ve done in awhile.
Although not as many detailed vignettes and hidden surprises as Boralus, AND confirmed by Blizz it was designed as the raid before making it the horde capital for the xpac, Dazar’alor is my absolute favorite immersive city and the music is superbly delicious.
I really thought Blizz was going to use this theme of an xpac to rationalize revamping silver moon. ( it’s logical jumping off port to get to the dragon isles for horde).
heading there now. anyone on doomhammer want to join me?
Even if you are going there to attack it, it sure does make a pretty sight. Even the unflagged areas for Horde attack are chock full of interesting little areas. Ever seen the Proudmoore Barracks docks that has a little cave bar? Unoccupied, but neat.
I am not going there to attack, just walk around.
100 percent agree. I still hang out in Boralus to this day(warmode on). The setting, the music… It brings out the RP in this non-RP’er, lol.
Me too. That and I am bored until Tuesday.
I know a guy who knows a guy who can move cities.
And they made two of these in depth zones if you can imagine. They did a great job with both so hopefully Dragonflights new city will be at least just as good.
I was horde for YEARS. I lvled so many alts through Zuldazar and hated it. The zone was boring and frustrating. I tried out alliance for the first time and wanted to check out their starting zone in BoA.
Boralus was the nail in horde’s coffin for me. I fell in love with the city and ascetics and been alliance ever since.
i thought boralus was super cool as well. (my fps didn’t though)
Aww, this makes me sad:( Your fps needs to go kick rocks.