WoW in basically all it’s forms is broken right now did you guys maybe want to get on it?
no kidding this is becoming a big problem
I for the 6th time did my Force Quit and re log I did the quest on Siren Isle for Flying Timewalking dungeon Popped no Issues until First boss when Looting boss I go to the Same Limbo Status I have been in lately and am unable to Loot Leave the game via log out or quit cannot mount hearth etc. I can communicate but nothing else.
They need to wake up the people needed to remedy this Porblem and Fast. I don’t Want to wait until tomorrow until I can play if they even Figure out and fix this Issue which they ALWAYS CAUSE FOR SOME REASON.
Typical blizz will just say, its on the players end and sit back down to their coffee and doughnuts.
Can’t fly, can’t change mounts, can’t turn in quests etc etc…blizz is totally silent, once again, guess blizz is coming for the rest of our warbanks and guild banks.
Major desync issues. Currently shows 6 of my characters online at the same time because when it desyncs you can’t log back into the same character (says it already exists). This expansion has had more issues than any other expansion (even more than when Ulduar launched… which is sad). I’ve had quests bug, mobs stacked and coming at me from under floor, items disappear, game crashes and more. Dev’s need to get their quality control … under control. Maybe stop acting like beta testing is early access???