Wait... where's dampen harm?

Haven’t had much of a look at the spellbook yet did they like make it baseline or did they seriously remove it and replace it with that lame stone brew? Only seen people talk about essence fonts removal so lil confused and shocked by it >.>

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only brew gets it now my bro

Wha… no how could they do this :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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Yea… I’ll miss active dampen harm to, the only thing I didn’t like tbh.

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You get three extremely strong defensive buttons on a 1.5m CD (Fort Brew, Diffuse, Karma). These will be enough to live just about everything telegraphed.

No I don’t play Mistweaver which doesn’t have Touch of Karma thats a Windwalker ability last I checked :dracthyr_shrug:

Only personal defensives I have are Diffuse and the garbage compared to Dampen Harm Stone Brew.


My man, Karma doesn’t count and hasn’t since MoP or WoD.

Fort Brew’s CD was reduced to 2 mins to compensate for MW losing Dampen Harm. You can make it 1.5 mins with the talent below, or you can make it’s DR and health increase stronger. Finally in the Conduit Tree there is a talent that makes Fort give an additional 25% of your max health.

Fort Brew is a 30% dr, 30% health increase on a 2 min CD. That leaves another like 1.2+mil absorb shield on you at the same time. That isnt garbage.

The only thing I miss about dampen harm as MW is the cool animation that played. Fort Brew is MUCH better now, plus one less button bind.

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Makes you look all stoney though robbing me of my fluff >:o

If Bliz adds a glyph that removes that effect I’d be happy but till then I will eternally hate it :dracthyr_nod:

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That is fair. I hate that animation too tbh. Dampen Harm always had a really good animation. It actually looked like the character would brace for incoming damage. Im going to deff miss that


Your spells were yummy :yum:

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Hmm? I swapped to my MW again (was running some old raids on WW) and Expel Harm was there again, active ability.

I swear it was passive for MW, wut?

DH being gone sucks but we can get fort on a 1.5 min cd now at least as it once was way back when. Or 2min and a higher damage reduction.

If you a baller, play dwarf and you get a 10% mini wall too.

If you REALLY want to transcend mere mortals, play void elf. Use the racial to go somewhere, teleport, then teleport to your port, then re port back in, suddenly you are hacking the game.

You had my hopes up for about half a second before I remembered what this thread was about.

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