Wait to create new char on era until after fresh?

So with the announcements that all existing era classic servers will likely be wiped fresh should I just wait until Dec to create a char on Mankrik or Whitemane once they get wiped fresh?

I suppose could spend some time learning a new classic class now to see if i like it before the new fresh wipe.

What’s your source for this info, can i ask?

I’m also with runfirst. I’ve never even heard anything like that until now.

There was several posts here about it and all the votes on fresh servers etc. I think it is great and cannot wait.

So where are your sources?

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can you provide any links, or source locations? would really like to read that.

there is nothing i can find on any WoW news sources or sites. only thing is a community-predictions article on wowhead, but there is No mention in the article of what you have told us.

This is all I found : Classic Era servers are ruined, we need FRESH - #78 by Cromagnon-mankrik

Everyone asking for fresh servers are absolutely delusional if you think bots and gdkps won’t ruin that as well. Blizzard is NOT going to spend money/resources in stopping bots and they have already said they dont have any issues with gdkps.

Fresh will be fun for 3 months. I wouldn’t mind a seasonal server.


There wasn’t one.

Are you the guy in the other thread who is now trying to generate rumors on another alt, to scare Era players?

There was one thing that Blizzard said, it was in the community council meeting in August:
Question: “There are a lot of people on the Era realms who feel like leveling would be a waste of time because they fear that a fresh server would completely cannibalize their progress”
Blizzard’s answer: "The whole fresh is a very common question and cry that we hear quite a bit. I think it’s safe to say that If you are leveling on Era right now you are safe, you are going to get a lot of legs out of that character. It’s ok. I wouldn’t hold off for some far-off possibility of a fresh or anything like that.

Oh, what do I have that you have none of? Proof of this. Here at stamp 21:35:

I believe that WAY over some 5 post Retail DK, with NO proof, who is only here to troll or make rumors (and by the way I did notice some other suspect possible “alt” posts in the thread too).

Also, I won’t believe anything more until I see a REAL Blizzard announcement. At least what the “season” is, either at Blizzon, by the end of the year, or whenever else.

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just wait. nobody leaves the major city and just queues av. youll hate urself for starting.

Why would they wipe classic lawl

Source: “Trust me bro”

Literally just started over, I really hope whatever your source is is wrong

It most likely is wrong.
A) wouldn’t make sense to wipe era after charging people to “conserve” their characters
B) it’ll likely be the same case as som, after the season, toons are stored to era (i would assume)

just wait till blizzcon tuesday. If they dont announce fresh classic then its a wrap.

No links. They are only rumored to be coming.

People are now saying that 100% of everything on every Classic server is getting deleted and then reset…I have yet to find any evidence to say that this is going to happen.

I have heard there will be fresh servers, but none are going to be deleted.

Why people think fresh is coming:

Blizzard stated in one of their hardcore announcement streams that they are working on a new vanilla project, that is NOT season of mastery 2. They said we will hear news about this project before the end of the year. Leaving most to conclude that a fresh server will be announced at blizzcon.

What they have not said is if this will be a true classic + or if this is just another project similar to som with a minimum amount of changes .

I think the most likely scenario is that they leave whitemane as is and spin up new servers for this new project. Whitemane will go back to having a super small community of dedicated players. And if classic+ sucks ppl will just go back to era.