Please hold off on the massive nerfs.
The tier is young and it’s a LONG tier until season 4 and 10.0 prepatch with new real content.
We want a challenge in mythic and honestly there’s only 4 hard bosses in the entire raid and you’re really GUTTING two of them with these changes.
Please implement small nerfs one at a time instead of this massive overhaul so early in a tier.
Signed, someone who enjoys mythic prog and doesn’t want to sell CE carries for 8 months.
Consider it proof that this tier won’t be so drawn out after all.
Glass half full.
I wish that were true. But we won’t see prepatch until at LEAST the holidays. Imagine 9.2.5 lands sometime near end of summer.
With these nerfs we probably kill halondrus and anduin in the next 3-4 raid nights and LoD/Ryg were already push overs with gear
9.2.5 mote be closer then you think maybe a few months away.
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9.2.5 sometime end of summer most likely and then 10.0 prepatch probably around holidays I’d guess. So a solid 8 more months of this tier.
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there’s no ‘real content’ in a PREpatch.
10.0 will be after classic wrath in 2023 jan-march blizzard wouldnt launch classic wrath and 10.0 to close to each other.
Let cross realm open up so it’s easier to pug the mythic raid ty 
we, the players have to open xrealm raiding by completing the Mythic Jailer 100 times per faction.
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Yes there is. At the very least there’s some new systems/etc like in shadowlands it was the level/stat squish. For 10.0 prepatch you get Evoker.
That’s not what blizzard does. They released 9.1 like a few weeks after TBC classic dropped. The people who play retail/classic are generally different enough that it doesn’t impact either much. Of course there are some players who do both but not THAT many.
I think it’s going to look like this:
WOTLK Release: Nov 2022
10.0 Prepatch: mid/end Dec 2022
10.0 Launch: mid Jan 2023
they are on holiday in December. Thanksgiving to New Year.
If that’s the case, it would be the longest testing phase any product at the company has ever had.
I really think we’ll see it Q4. I would have bet my house on 2023 until the CDN hit.
You do realize that Shadowlands released around Thanksgiving, correct? Which put the raid/RWF in mid december.
Yeah and I’d like to be done with the tier by then. Before they take the raid that broke Limit and make it even harder. This ish was absurdly overtuned. They vastly overestimated the power of the set bonuses for most specs. Doling out class nerfs prior to the MDI was a joke, they should be bringing everyone up to the level of Destro and Survival because it’s not like there’s even anything inherently broken about these specs (indeed, Survival is often memed on for getting clowned in every tier), a lot of us just don’t scale for
and it’s only going to get worse when they add another 26 item levels.
Anybody doing Mythic cross-realm will be lucky to get past Skolex. Halondrus & Anduin won’t be a factor.
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This tier REALLY isn’t that hard.
6/11M is more or less a breeze for any dedicated mythic team. Halondrus is a very hard boss but you’re not dying from bad luck or anything like that… just performance issues. When your raid wipes you can always trace it back to somebody not doing their job which is the PERFECT mythic fight.
It only gets easier after halondrus until jailer too. Anduin prog is much quicker and LoD/Rygelon are pushovers.
This is a nerf that should REALLY be happening when 9.2.5 drops. If they want to nerf it then do the 10% hp nerf and you’ll ALWAYS skip reclaims with 4 healers which is still a massive nerf because now you can 3 heal the fight.
i also realize it was DELAYED to that time and big-crunched to come out before end of year.
Do you?
Seems like we’re in a good place now tbh.
They could nerf blood and maybe surv a little more if they really want to, but not much point to it. They didn’t touch boomy in s1 or s2. /shrug.
So many previous patches and xpacs have come out around the holidays… it’s literally an EZ money grab.
im happy with the nerfs
i really didn’t want to spend 200+ pulls on a non-end tier boss lol
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