Wait for the actual evidence before you judge

I’m hiding who I am while you’re on a level 18…LOL. Furthermore, everyone is hiding who they are considering these are make believe characters in a make believe world. Hypocritical and willfully ignorant. You need some real help.

I wasn’t trying to answer any question to do with the length of the investigation. I was showing you evidence when you said you needed more information on things. If you took the time to use some critical thinking and actually read you might’ve picked up on that.

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Unfortunately, that’s what the founders were trying to avoid when setting up the judiciary but it seems that this particular human behavior is inevitable, no matter how many assurances are in place to protect against unresolved accusations.

lmao…they investigated for a long while and then brought a case guy…NO ONE HERE is starting rumors lmao.

boring deflection and excuses…

This is my forum character as can be told by my post count. That means a lot more for conversation than in game achievements.

And as I said earlier, I only asked for more information on time spent. Any other answer is completely irrelevant to my question and therefor not a valid answer

Hey, “guy”.

I live in Los Angeles. I know how bad it is. Every time I take my Dad to the West LA VA I see the giant tent city erected by the VA itself. By your own admission, you’re not from here, so you really, really, REALLY do not know what it’s like. You see some pictures, you think “oh wow those commies are really bad, the whole state is like that, blah blah OEN MAGA”.

But it’s not that simplistic. California has more homelessness for a variety of reasons, including favorable weather, garbage states shipping their homeless to us, THE MANY MANY SERVICES WE PROVIDE PEOPLE, and… wait for it… late stage capitalism at the core of the disintegrating empire.

You must keep in mind that the United States is an extremely right-wing, corporatist state in decay. Within this context, California provides a vastly superior social safety net compared to, say, Mississippi. Anyone under a certain income, for instance, can get free health care via MediCal.

For SOME REASON, every time someone whines about how California doesn’t take care of people, it’s some rightist who sneers at China, Cuba, and the USSR. Interstate chauvinism isn’t going to solve this problem.


Look at what I quoted. There was no question in it. It was you saying you needed more information, I gave more information.

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You hate women. I love women.

See, there we are. No one should be loving or hating anyone until the evidence is examined. Yet… here we go. I speak of truth and you speak of hate.

Have a nice day.

Yup whatever, you all be here saying This 10 years from now saying blizzard is finish and yelling unsub &walk away still. While your account are still active and still posting on the forums. LMAO!

they kill me with that crap. lmao
anyone who is willing to make themselves publicly known on the internet these days is a driveling fool with as many people who have went after them in the real world.

Yeah that was your previous post, but go off king.

It was a reply in reference to the question being asked. I suppose if you stripped it of all its context you could change its meaning like that.

No, I LOVE the thing everybody has to love, and everybody else LOVES the thing everybody has to love, so take THAT!

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your joke point being?
Never said I was quitting, son…said the company needs to CHANGE.
You apparently like making up excuses for abuse and misogyny, I take it.

So you have a forum character that is completely separate from your main in game…why? To hide your forum conversations from people you play with.

Again, hypocritical.

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I’ll have you know that I love this, and I love you.


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After Duke Lacrosse, I learned that it doesn’t matter how many people say it is true, you have to wait.

It appears that a lot of folks have lost the ability to think critically. You either hop on the band-wagon of finger pointing and virtue signaling or your guilty of being a woman hating pervert or worse!

It’s like people haven’t learned anything from all the events in there life that lead up to this moment…

Slow down and think people. Op is right here.

Very hypocritical when they call out the very thing they are doing, lmao.
But that seems to be an epidemic around here that takes many forms

1st this doesn’t change the fact that you chose to change your character on the forums so that people won’t know that you said these things later down the line.

2nd, it’s been posted many times by me on my history here that I am not a US player so am unable to post on the character I play the game as. Its literally impossible to to post from my main