groggle flopper smush mrrrgl greeeelllllligo roppachino frugo mucha!
/Calls the blood elf nurses
One frugo mucha cappachino coming right up
There is nothing wrong orc nurses.
people. people.
muradin toiletbeard.
you can thank me later.
that is all i have for today. let a whole new era of awful fusions reign over this dismal forum.
I will be back with my fusions for i must away to work.
I’ll show you a pic in discord when I get home, mods might frown upon it here.
woah woah. we arent progressing that far yet. we got to take this nice and slow.
on another note. kissmytotems has a great new discord name.
That’s where you’re wrong.
He’s being a male human sissy.
There is… No cure, I’m afraid…
The sassy Belf nurses give you a sponge bath…
I’m not the patient.
You needed treatment for exhaustion after the draenei and orc doctors gave you a physical…
I don’t think you know what goes into a physical…
Does a stress test count as a physical?
I guess it depends on how thir… I mean, angry the Draenei are.
/grabs a bat an walks out the door
I told ya draenei for the last time! Stop being those gosh darn belf n thirstin over orcs!
Your not using a big enough bat, that’s why it’s not working.
Have fun…
Draenei have big assets, so you need big bats