/Bites Orc.
Bed Denied…
do you know how many hawkens there are in azeroth?
Those silk sheets you ‘borrowed’ from that Inn are wonderful…
So its the old ‘The other Hawkens did it’
theres 2 dwarfs, 3 humans, 1 draenei, and 6 forsaken named hawkens.
also 62 belfs.
/Horn pull
I wonder what the belf version of Hawkens would be like, they might even like poutine…
(post deleted by author)
And I still haven’t gotten back my trust level 3…PHOOEY!!!
its why we joke because them orcs is so silly
“It’s a disgusting joke. It’s not silly. It’s sickening.”
getting real tired of playing world of warships and it turning into world of cruisers and destroyers. battleships need not apply. battle over by the time they get into range. i think i might play sparking zero and then go to back to bed. but no bio broly…
i purchased this great item.
it lagged for a second and i saw your post kept goin up too like 9 times till norinila’s post and it started on yer same one again.
They only thing that should be on popcorn is salt…
get any cool drop in classic lately?