i had one of these dudes back in the 90’s. loved watching him lick his eyeballs
I ate Whopper with cheese this evening. I hadn’t one in forever, very tasty. I wish the fries were fried in tallow though.
Ah, I see my armory finally decided to update.
I was probably talking about my android orc butler, let’s just say the charging port is very large.
so big it hertz, huh?
news update.
kissmytotems is trapped in a snowstorm.
“I hope she is okay.”
she is ok at a friends house for now.
“That is good. Much better than being trapped in a car somewhere.”
you know…now that i am the mouthpiece for totems…
Enjoying deep dish snow pizzas.
I’m forty years out of practice, so yours is probably better than mine.
ill give her a pizza hut snow pizza.
that is good idea.
i hired an elf to help me with a job. they did not show up and stole all my tools!
kissmytotems did it.
hides tools
strong calvin & hobbes vibes there
people kissmytotems further says she renounces chicken nuggets and embraces the ways of bone in chicken wings.
She has good taste