WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

White mages can remove status effects anyway, and Aerith is basically one.

me too :rofl:

Warning: Gus may now contain nuts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It is 10:30 PM Pacific… I think some of you are staying up past your bed time!

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My excuse is that I’m sitting here in war mode trying to get a spirit beast for my hunter. Since MM is losing the pet. That means Beast Master will be the only ranged hunter with a pet. (I discovered, looking at the talent tree that BM always gets two now… :slight_smile:

This is why I never played Beast Master before. Getting a spirit pet is a pain in the posterior…

Edit - Plus I’m using youtube to listen to music while I search around.

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My excuse is that I’m nocturnal so it being 11:35 here is actually pretty early and it’s going to be several hours before I go to bed.

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I was like that in college and then in my first job. It was the only way to get time on the campus mainframe in school. At work we had two Vax 11/780 machines for the team and during the work day they were both swamped. Getting a build out took about 6 hours. But from midnight to 6:00 am the turn around was maybe 45 minutes? (That was a long time ago.)

Buddy and I would work all night. Go home and sleep for a few hours and then come back into work at around 11:00 am. Just in time to go to lunch. :slight_smile:

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seeing the new beetlejuice tonight


Movie? I am guessing…

yep the sequel to the 80s movie

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i am back.

“I saw that one. LOVED it. Hope you do too.”

cyndi i have a request. can you just give this song a listen for like a couple minutes? I think youll like it.

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“A bit later, if that is okay. I am watching TV right now.”

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This randomly popped into my head and now it’s stuck there.

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i had dream that was mostly about kissmytotems irl face. i had dream we were going to get married and i was prepping for the wedding. bunch of wierd stuff happened. then at last minute the dream got really juvenile.

okay promise me youll listen to it before surfie comes on. dont have to listren to whole thing it repeats after a couple minutes.


“Okay, I will.”

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My dreams are mostly just random nonsensical things.


been meaning to ask if you seen the new one
they did a nice job with it felt just like the old one to me

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