WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)



Happy 2025 all!


Don’t forget to have black-eyed peas with hog jowl tonight! It’s tradition!





i have awoken.

tremble before me draenei.

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Well, let’s just say Bread turned Sally into a horny silverhaired fox… well she was already a silver fox, now she’s uber horny.


i dunno how to take this.

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We do it with ham hock, but yeah, the black eyed peas are supposed to make for a lucky year. I got to have those collard greens as well.


Oh yeah; Gotta have the collards!

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A bit of advice one of my co-workers gave with regards to IT-ish jobs: The job sites are REALLY stupid. They are programmed to look for specific key words to pick up on.

So review what you put in, ensure you have some good key words there to ensure your resume can get picked up to be looked at.

And also keep in mind most HR folks go by the same criteria or leverage the job sites. They don’t understand requirements at all, especially with technical jobs.

And good luck in the search!


Just sit back and take it.


Over 40 years as a computer programmer. Only submitted a resume/CV maybe 3 times? Have interviewed formally once. For my first job. Twice informally for two different contract positions over the years. (I doubt I could pass an interview these days anyway.)

All of my jobs/contracts have been found through my network of former employers, customers, managers, co-workers, friends, college classmates, or people I have mentored. Always better to go in the door as a direct referral from someone already there. :}

@Sabetha - Good luck on your search. Keep poking away. Never stop looking/selling.


Man, I just got rid of a calendar, and now I gotta do it again?



looks delicious.
went out to eat had thai curry and cajun TRADITIONAL BONE IN CHICKEN WINGS.
not those chicken nuggets @kissmybubble eats.

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I’m making a meatloaf, with black eyed peas with hog jowl, mashed potatoes, collard greens, deviled eggs, and cornbread.

And I got conned into making a pecan pie, even though we have lots of fudge left :frowning:


make pecan fudge pie.

For everyday use, Fahrenheit works well – zero is really cold outside, 100 is really hot outside, and it’s pretty easy to figure out what I need to wear that day.

But for real technical work, Celsius/Kelvin is better to work with. You have so many weird fiddle factors with Imperial units that make it cumbersome.

Of course, the engine performance tables I work with at the office are all in degrees Rankine, and the temperatures used by the instructor at the operator’s station are in Celsius. So yay! We get to use both!


That’s most places that use electronic hiring, a good many of them don’t even handle the hiring in-house anymore, they have a third party send them the resumes which extends the process longer along with many other time traps.

Just the biggest ways employers have shot themselves in the foot since the 1990’s and the electronic revolution.

Long times means most candidates probably find a job before you even reach out to them (if they’re any good and everyone is gunning for them), the key words thing means most people aren’t going to specifically meet the word salad jumble of buzzwords thrown in any and all job descriptions now days to make them seem “attractively important”, etc.

So companies end up with fewer applicants getting to first interviews overall and looking at the big picture, most of them won’t get real talent by these contentiously convoluted filters.

You also specifically have to meet the requirements DAY 1 when you hire in, nowhere wants to train employees either, which for just about anywhere… you’re gonna have to, at least on basic quirks, cause just cause someone includes: “Heavy machinery operation” doesn’t mean they know how to operate YOUR machines specifically for that company.

Even within the same industry facilities and equipment can differ drastically or be of different difficulties to learn and adapt to.

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Never heard of this. Neat.