WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

lor’themar roadhog.
arthas roadhog.
hanzo roadhog.
thread slaughtered.

Speaking of fusions:

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This is extreme blasphemy.

I’m pretty sure I can blaspheme harder.

There is a weird amount of FF7 characters face swapped with Willem Dafoe on the internet.

I see that, and I raise you the greatest Cookie Monster track EVER!


(I’ll never turn down the chance at posting this)




air guitar


oh my god it does

dva dafoe.
once again thread slaughtered.

G’night loungers!

Have a pleasant night!

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it was gonna be pleasant but you just had to go and revive the thread.
:smiley: goodnight.

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The thread will always get revived between me playing FF7 Rebirth.

Tifa and Aerith are on a date. It’s canon now.

oh no theyre not.

playdate canceled.

Even the game calls it that, I took a screenshot:

They went on a date, then they went shopping for clothes for the beach. 100% FF7 canon.

playdate over.

help internet is going out.

The game moves quickly.

Aerith is now on a date with Cloud.

cloud slaughtered.
vegeta is cloud.

Final Fantasy has real player in decent places to choose from. I don’t know if the one in 11.1 is just a joke or a test runner, but I know people are not going to want to stay underground in a goblin junkyard city expansion tied housing.

you will take your azeroth mandated housing and like it.