WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

That’s a thick looking pizza there, deep dish pizza hut…

its the new yorker.

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“We here a WLAN, Waggle Lounge Action News, sent our expert taste tester into local Pizza Huts to bring you the inside scoop on the taste of their pizzas. Hello Jim? What do you have to report to our viewers?”

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I bet you sent kissmytotems.

If I’m not paying for it, I’ll eat pizza from any of those places. Regrettably, none of the major chains delivers out here.

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For all the Mona Lisa’s And Mad Hutter’s

These girls, they gotta lotta heart. They should really form a band.


4 local pizza places in less than a 5 minute drive from my house.

The chains are actually 15-20 minutes away.

I’ve been watching wow classic videos again, makes me want to pick it back up.

What is moonshine?


i have a new movie idea. gus wars: attack of the guses.

A type of illegally made liquor.

Looks like slime.

It’s more like vodka but made out of corn or grains.

at least its not peeps.

Maybe it is.

moonshine contains 0% peeps.