WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

The other lizard is the naughty one.

I had a salad with a pizza and water so the salad cancels out the pizza and the water flushes the toxins out faster Iā€™m pretty sure. Besides who makes their own dough, cheese, and pizza sauceā€¦ no one! Or not for a pizza anyway.

Even then pizza is loaded with sodium and fat regardless cause itā€™s delicious. Get Rekt forums.

I wants it. Itā€™s breakfast time here and at the moment Iā€™m looking at a can of Monster White. :rofl:

Sneaks up behind Breadisfunny, sheathes claws, tickles the elf and disappears into the shadows

You have a town?

laughs in unincorporated

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It is Friday, and I also declare it ā€œBite a Draenei dayā€.

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Iā€™d rather bite a good deli sammich.

Iā€™m having Breadā€™s favorite tonight!

Porkchops, cheesey potatoes, turnip greens, black-eyed peas, and cornbread.


i like cheesy potatos.
the rest sounds gross and disgusting,
was at grandmas. walked home and now my hands have minor frostbite i think.

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Didnā€™t you have gloves on.

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yes i had gloves on. had to walk 20mins in the cold. my face is chapped too.
curls up in hot tub

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I make my own pizza all the time and sometimes the sauce as well.

Right now Iā€™m stuck with either buying pizzas or frozen pizzas while my hand is in a brace/cast.

Canā€™t knead bread. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™ve made French bread pizzas, but never a regular. I canā€™t imagine the dough is difficult to make. Gonna have to try it!

I am planning on Italian tomorrow though. Gonna make some manicotti.

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Sitting in queue for 10 minutes to get another level 11 fury warrior and just pressing W the whole freaking dungeon and not actually playing my character



The dough is really simple, yup. Donā€™t have my recipe next to me at the moment, but if you can make French bread, youā€™ll find it rather easy. :slight_smile:
Oh, like manicotti. I make a spinach, ricotta and goat cheese one whenever I feel like making pasta.

I add some chorizo to the sauce for some heat and flavorā€¦

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okay shaelys. i have had enough of your porkchops. they are DISGUSTING. and enough chicken nuggets. and enough chinese food. and no more pies.

Queue popped 26 minutes in . . . and of course the DPS wasnā€™t ready.

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im gonna get all up in your queue and spam the cancel button.


I never make it in on the first que. And it is always a DPS who doesnā€™t accept.

/sits afk and doesnt hit accept.