WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

I hope you don’t get worms gas station food is meh.

Maybe you should talk to your therapist about this, it isn’t like you.

You love Alleria.

I’m a hungry, hungry panda.

it is 1 degrees and dropping, Zenli freezes up in a ice block

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I have hot chocolate.

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Can I have some hot chocolate?

oh gosh alleria…uhm…oh no. shes uhm standing behind me right now,and shes pretty mad.shes uhm…oh deart. says im gonna be punished.

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someone helps. shes uhm doing things. with that uhm stabby blade.


What kind? Swiss Miss, Abuelita, Hershey’s?


Tim Hortons

alleria legionversion is best. only version.
also put a pair of shoes on xal’atath. XAL’TATH DEFEATED. her feet sheathed. alleria wins. fatality.

Shoes, shoes, the glorious shoes. Throws shoe at Xal’atath

Une chaussure ne t’interroge-t-elle pas ?
Google Translation: Does a shoe not question thee?

Man, 20+ years removed from my French lessons. Something about moving and shoes?

Depending on what you put on her feet, you may end up just making her even more powerful.

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You make me hot, you make me sigh
You make me laugh, you make me cry
Keep me burning for your love
With the touch of a velvet glove :wink:


Black velvet glove…deep, deep in that pocket


Looks like the moths got to your armour :sweat_smile:


This is the minimalist, unplugged, uh, small venue…acoustic….armor.

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Damn it’s like -4 here in Colorado. Like damn, I can feel it through the walls.