Bore, blink twice if you’re being held against your will…
Blinks twice
alright buddy. thats enough out of you.
Wasn’t excessive fire a Nomi specialty?
Looks at the Warlock lizard “Okay, you’re a Demon binder, explain to me how YOU got captured?! Let me remind you, you’re supposed to subjugate the Succubus/Incubus, not the other way around!”
I tried but the Succubus was VERY persuasive.
Slips you a book titled: 'Herne’s guide to taming hot-as-Fel Demon ladies"
Grabs book Okay, uh… Rea Kol Fir Aba Bo Dun Nama Kies… Tor bul?
AAAAHH! I accidentally spoke German and now the demon is trying to take over earth!
since when can you speak german?
Ich sprechen ze Deutsch. Ich ein Berliner. Vas is das? Das est ein weinerschnitzel, ja?
Could be worse, mine gave me three kids… cue the Fae Demon hybrid apocalypse, only instead of 4 Horsemen, it’s just triplets
Soeben. Willst du mich wieder Germana sprechen sehen?
ja, ich ein . . uhm . . lederhausen?
Ich werde auch die Muttersprache sprechen, Genosse, warte… wir sind nicht Russen?!?
so like in other news. my dad he stuck gus’s toys in his kennel. locked it. gus was outside the kennel. got the toys out by pulling them out through the kennel. gus sure showed him.